Your Christmas Song Is |
Joy to the World Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing, It's not about what you get under the tree But sharing love with family, friends, and strangers |
As the music of my life continues, so will I be singing my song, while it lasts.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
What's Your Christmas Carol?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
My new favorite grocery store
If you haven't been there they have three locations: Brentwood, Chesterfield and one on Olive coming soon. Simply Delicious!
Friday, December 23, 2005
When it Rains it Pours
1. While I knew having a roommate would increase the utilities a little bit I never expected the following:
Satellite: $10 increase (supposed to be $5 inc.)
Mobile: $35 increase from going over minutes and using text messages
Gas Bill: $100 increase from last month
Electric Bill: $30 increase from last month
Car Insurance: $70 increase for the new policy (due to last year's accident)
I can only imagine what is coming next! YIKES!
2. Other stupid problems that are just annoying:
a. The website for my ins. company was screwy so I spent about 1.5 hours talking on the phone and trying to get the insurance set up. (ARGH!)
b. The chest of drawers I had purchased in June is having to get yet another replacement, this would be no. 3. The first was broken, so they replaced it. The second the top drawer cracked. Supposedly I'll be getting a new top drawer Friday after 2 MONTHS of waiting for a stupid little part that still hasn't come in.
c. Kitty cat needed declawing.
d. Christmas shopping.
e. Just trying to get around in traffic for normal every day stuff since everyone seems to think we should all get on the highway at the same time (luckily I just cancelled apointments and took back ways which were also 'backed up.'
f. Paying property taxes during the holiday season when you are already broke.
g. Having to make an insurance claim from being hit by someone else in someone else's car a week or two ago.
h. Having sinusitis/bronchitis all at the same time I'm supposed to be taking care of this stuff. (Although I went to the Dr. today so it should be gone sometime soon.)
When talking to my uncle about what would be the best/least coverage that I could afford for car insurance, he said "welcome to the real world." I told him I've been living in the real world for quite sometime and didn't need the reminder. It's not that I'm not aware of 'crap' that happens or don't expect, it's just that we can't afford it. He laughed and said, "tell me about it."
I hope everyone's holiday is going better than mine. I hope I don't sound ungrateful for being alive and that God has blessed me with the ability to eek by to pay for these things. It's just craziness! How can we ever expect to get ahead or do well, when there is ALWAYS something that bites you in the butt and takes all your 'preparedness' efforts down in one swoop?
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Is it time for vacation yet?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Inspired by a friend
Accomplishments this year:
1. Succeeded in teaching a new level of students
2. Lower my debt (happened very slowly, but I'm getting there)
3. Updated various parts of the house through painting
4. Bridesmaid in a wedding
5. Two float/camp trips to Black River and Huzzah Valley
6. Joined a choir (have a solo this weekend)
7. Survived lifes trials and tribulations
8. Learned how to shoot a shot gun (shot skeet)
What I still want to do:
1. Improve on my shooting abilities
2. Take a class or two next summer to add to my teaching resources
3. Take/pass the 2nd level technology program at school so I can get a G5 Mac (and cool programs) in my room :)
4. Continue to sing in a choir
5. Continue to lower my debt
6. Really figure out where I fit spiritually (been thinking about checking out a different church near me)
Other things I would like to do sometime:
1. Sky dive
2. Hot air balloon ride
3. Skiing: Water and Snow
4. Actually run the half marathon without my legs/hips going out
5. Visit a National Landmark: Grand Canyon, Niagra Falls etc.
6. See a show in NY on Broadway and/or the Metropolitan Opera
Monday, December 12, 2005
Angels were watching over me...
On Saturday I was on my way to Layfette with some friends after visiting other establishments. My friend Liz S and I were in the back seat chatting away, when out of nowhere I felt the car being hit from the side. I really have no clue what happened, but I 'heard' the girl ran a red light because she almost hit the car in front of us apparently. Although she was dressed conspicuously I'm not sure why they didn't give her a breathalizer, as she seemed a little dramatic. Anyhoo, today my arm and neck are very sore, and once again I had to tell a chiropractor that I was in an accident. Thank God no one was seriously injured, and I'm glad I was smart to have two DD's around.
Overall this month has been flying by fast, has been very stressfully busy, and overall flat out strange. I am very thankful because things could have been worse those two nights. I am also very thankful that Eric was there, and was in a different car. It's very wierd to me than in a few weeks, this year will be over. Have I really accomplished anything worthwhile? What have I to say for myself? Is sometimes just making it through life's tests an accomplishment?
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I have no time and other news
On another note my roomie has finished unpacking, and I gave notice of my resignation for my weekend position. I found that I have been really worn out lately to the point of worrying a certain someone close to me. Also, while I enjoyed having the extra money to pay down some debt, the roomie aleves the pressure for me to continue wearing myself down to oblivion.
Today I experienced the symphony with my students and I was disappointed to have only heard one piece (The Sorcerer's Apprentice). While nicely done, I felt the students deserved more than one song for possibly their only experience of seeing a professional orchestra at Powell.
Well, as always, I am off. My small group is throwing a suprise shower for one of the girls having a baby boy. Adios!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Random Thoughts While Driving
The answer for now is, I'm not really sure. But consider this, if money didn't matter, what profession would you choose that would totally make you happy? I'm referring to a profession that you would wake up every morning during the week and think, man I love this job, I can't wait to go to work! Just thoughts. What are yours?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Situation Normal
On another note, if you need a nice, black retro dresser with mirror. It is availabe for purchase at a very nice price of $50. See link for pics.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Why I probably wouldn't move in with someone before marriage
Once upon a time, I did in fact choose to live with my beau of 2 years. I wanted to be out of the house and what better way that to live with the man I thought I loved? This being our 2nd time of living together (the first was a strangely unavoidable wierd scenario in college, which btw was a nightmare) I figured it would be better. For many reasons I felt the relationship was just not meeting my needs. I felt like I had to work around his insane work schedule, and I found myself not being very social with my friends who I knew were moving back to St. Louis from college. Once I began to make my own social life with friends (while he was working the night shift, so I rarely saw him) I realized that maybe I was in the relationship for the wrong reasons. He was a good guy, but I wanted to make sure we weren't just together to have a roomie. We were headed down the marriage path, but I wanted to be absolutely certain about the path we were about to embark on. So when he bought a nearby condo, I chose to move into my own apartment. We acted as close friends for a month, but then began to drift. I felt myself wanting to be single than on my way to marriage.
In the Cosmo magazine it states: "Many couples today live together before they marry (roughly 70 percent versus less than 5 percent 40 years ago, according to Stanley). Not that there's anything inherently wront with living together-plenty of happy unions result from it-but research shows that couples who do so before marrying have a 50 percent greater chance of getting divorced than those who don't." "... [People's] lives become so intertwined that they can end up sliding into marriage because it's convenient, not necesarily because the person will make a great spouse."
I know that I made the right decision 3-4 years ago, especially now that he is happily married and living in the Northern states, and I happily dating someone else. But I wonder would I consider moving in with someone else again? Or would I want them to move in with me? I guess it depends on the situation. I would not want to move out of convience, rather I would move because I couldn't stand to have another minutes drive apart (which right now is 40 minutes) and it was a lovingly-mutual decision. In other words, not a decision based on finances or some other agenda. Part of me says that it's a good idea, to make sure the person and I would be compatible living together. The other major part of me says no, because I think in taking a step that is originally meant for marriage the relationship-venture would be sure to fail. I say this based on the fact that in living together, you know there is a way out of a rough spots and would probably go the easy route (move out, end the relationship) rather than working something out. I'm not saying this goes for all relationships, each and every one is different. I personally would never buy the house together first and then get married. But then again, I've had a few friends do exactly that.
What's your take?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Date or Soul Mate?
High Tension
Post Script: I actually ended up watching Fever Pitch tonight instead. It was really a good movie, but then again I like romantic comedy. :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Top 10 Must-Haves, Can't Stands
Top 10 "Must Haves"
2. Communicator, emotionally open
3. Ambitious
(i.e. will buy me a drink or pay for most dates)
Top 10 "Can't Stands"
1. Verbally or physically abusive
2. Bottled emotions, emotionally distant
3. Apathetic
4. Control-freak, plays games
5. Drug/Alcohol Addict
6. Has no common sense i.e. how to wash dishes, rake leaves, change a light fixture
7. Self-absorbed in own interests
8. Complete slob
9. Does not follow through on commitments
10. Unwilling to ‘go out of the box’
Monday, November 14, 2005
i carry your heart with me
Red Canna, c. 1923, oil on canvas, 36" x 30"
i carry your heart with me
e. e. cummings
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Probiotics, Who knew?
Anyway as you all know I'm also prone to getting sick quite a bit. My mom suggested taking probiotics. I thought it interesting that by taking this supplement not only are my side-effects diminishing, I'm sure they will be gone once the supplement is completely in my system and my body gets used to the new hormonal balance from the new pill. Look at all the things that taking this pill does:
Probiotics play a key role in human nutrition and health in balancing the intestinal microflora naturally. Probiotics have been used therapeutically to modulate immunity, improve digestive processes, lower cholesterol, treat rheumatoid arthritis, prevent cancer, improve lactose intolerance, and prevent or reduce the effects of atopic dermatitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, diarrhea, constipation as well as candidiasis and urinary tract infections(21).
I'll let you know how it works out in the long run, but itsn't it worth a try? This one pill might help keep me from getting sick at school and do all these other things mentioned above, not to mention eliminate my original problem :)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I have been blessed!
God has also blessed me with relatively good health, vocal health in particular. People around me who have had difficulties that I prayed for seem to be doing better. I have also found a possible roommate, and look forward to meeting her. Let's not forget that I have also been lucky to meet a very great guy who treats me wonderfully :)
I just wanted to give a shout out to God for all the great things He has done for me, especially recently. I'm not used to not having some 'major catastrophe' (ok, well, huge concern) that I'm not completely worried about. Somehow I just really feel God has things under control, and right now He's allowing me time to recoup from whatever craziness I've been experiencing in the past year. Yeah! If you have been praying for my friends, family, and I Thank you!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!
On another note, I'm seriously going to complain to the city about the fire hydrant less than a foot from my driveway. This weekend marks 3 people (including myself) that have hit the hydrant in 2 years. Even the people who lived here before me ran into it. I tried reflector sticks, the kids took them to play games. I put reflective tape on the hydrant itself and then the city painted over it. This thing has GOT TO GO! What a nusance! What genius came up with the idea of putting a hydrant at the end of a driveway less than 12 inches away from the concrete I'd like to know?
(1947) Gian Carlo Menotti | ||
The sun is falling and it lies in blood The moon is weaving bandages of gold Old Black Swan where oh where is my lover now Where oh where is my lover now Torn and tattered is my bridal gown and my lamp is lost With silver needles and with silver threads The stars stitch a route for the dying sun Old Black Swan where oh where is my lover now I had given him a kiss and a golden ring And a golden ring I had given him a kiss of fire and a golden ring Oh with silver needles and with silver threads The stars stitch a route for the dying sun Black Wing o Black Wing take me down with you Take me down with you take me down with you Take me down with you Old Black Swan take me down with you I had given him a kiss of fire Take me down with you |
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Painting and more painting
My birthday was great! I met some friends at Druken Fish and feasted on a wonderful dinner. Unfortunately it was in Westport so I didn't feel the need to leave the area for better pastures afterwards but I really appreciate my friends coming and hanging out with me. Sunday was comprised of finishing the basement (that I started Friday night), and then I went to Home Depot with Eric to help him pick paint for his house. Yeah, more painting is in store, but it's ok, it'll be worth it!
Tuesday I went to the Melting Pot with Liz and Kyle. I hadn't seen them since August, WOW! It's been a crazy weekend, followed by a crazy week. Well I know this is isn't poetic or deeply inspiring, but I don't have time to write anything really worthwhile, but I wanted an update of something. :)
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Prayer request
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Think on the Truth, Train Your Thoughts, and Love God with All Your Mind
Anyway, my small group is studying the book Loving God with All Your Mind. The concepts within are so simple, yet challenging ways by which one can look toward God and His Word for strength. It is not only my goal to at least attend Small Group where possible, but to really commit to studying the message of what we read and converse about it with other Christians.
I find it difficult to sustain my committment because I'm surrounded by a world that is less supportive of spiritual life. I could really use an accountability partner or someone who is understanding, yet pushes me to continue on my journey. I find my spiritual journey to be very zig-zag as opposed to continued steady growth. I will admit that I am growing, it's just really slow. There are concepts I have a hard time grasping, and in this study we are to think on what is true.
Philippians 4:8
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworhty- thing about such things.
The book encourages us to think on things that are ture and real, rather than allowing our emotions and feelings to bring us down. Chapter 3 discussed relationships with others, not 'relationships' per se, but how you relate to others. For example do you ever find yourself thinking: " I don't think he/she means what she/he said; I wonder what I've done wrong; I wonder what he/she thinks about me; I wonder what he/she wants from me," etc. The Bible tells us to discuss our problems with someone privately (avoid gossip) (Matt 18:15).
Do you just find your self over-analyzing situations or interactions with people and then you are worried about how things are going? Yeah, that's me in a nut-shell, at least I'm inwardly cautious hoping that I don't say the wrong things or hurt someone accidently or stick my foot in my mouth. Rather than speculating, we need to focus on the truth, actual experiences and actions not worrying what others think. We should stop second-guessing our relationships. If there is a problem, we have a committment as Christians to disucss it with that person. We should believe the best and take things as truth, and not as perceived truth.
Sounds simple right? I guess I'm always second-guessing myself and how people really feel about me. Am I doing the right thing? Am I a good teacher? Did I say something to hurt someone else by accident? I just need to hope that God will give me insight toward anyone I may have inavertenly or avertly wronged so that I can confront them and resolve any wrong doing or that that person would tell me honestly if I've wronged them.
I'm really glad that my school is doing an 'appreciation' month wherein we all write something nice to someone (via pick-a-name from a box) every week. I think we all get caught up in our work that weget bogged down and don't feel appreciated for what we do, nor have the time to really express appreciation. I've received some very nice comments from people, and I really didn't know that I was 'uplifting and cheerful' and 'brought musical fun for the students.' I guess I'm always second-guessing myself because of the past, and this chapter basically states that it brings you down as a person and is not the way to be loving God.
My goal is to readjust my thinking and think on the truth, be more confident in myself and just 'relax'. I've heard from a few people who find me to be a very positive person, but I guess just deep down I didn't believe the truth. So, I'm going to try to think on the truth, and I hope God helps me make it happen :)
Other verses I need to remember:
Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
They were adopted :)
Monday, October 17, 2005
Looming Stress
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I'm Back!
On another note, I'm preparing to finally paint the basement. I thought about it for a while and the paneling has to be painted. I'm going with a white-beige color. I think it will brighten things up a bit. I decided to also change my hours at Weekends, so at least I'll have one day off a week. I finally told them I'd like to do customer service, and the manager asked me if I had management experience (ie she's leaving and they are looking for someone new), but alas I already have a full-time job. I do have lots of customer service experience, and I manage my own classroom, but that's about it.
10 more days until I'm 28! YIKES!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Good things come to those who wait...
On another note this last weekend I went to surprise and old friend from TSU marching band. Becky from SAI suggested that we go surprise him at the homecoming game in which his marching band was playing. Being with some of my college friends brought back a lot of old memories. When we were sitting on the bleachers during the game, it felt like almost nothing had changed between us or at least how we related. I was reminded of many-a-great band cheer and certain traditions which found themselves in the cobwebs of my memory. "Super rutabaga, super rutabaga, super rutabaga, ru-ta-ba-ga!" will now be carried on at my friend's high school thanks to us.
"Wow, what a GREAT band!" :)
Events to look foward to:
Bloodhound Gang at the Pageant
My 28th Birthday (I guess)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Sex in the City
On another note I've been receiving calls out-of-the-blue from people I haven't conversed with in a bit. The most surprising one was hearing from my friend Tim in TX who is visiting St. Louis shortly. It was good to hear that he was doing ok, and the hurricane hadn't affected his area. It makes me wonder, how much more of an effort does it take to keep up with people who don't live even remotely close to you as compared to those who do but are really busy? I have a friend here in St. L that most of us haven't heard from in a year. Just a random thought.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Gwyneth Walker
I really enjoy the texts and the settings to which she composes. Here is a set of six poems all by May Swenson set to music by Gwyneth Walker. I included a link to the poems (this time) because I had them all typed and then something happened with blogger and it erased everything. Being later at night, I have not the patience to rewrite everything. Listen and enjoy (well, some performances could use a bit of adjustment for my ear, but you get the idea anyway).
1. Women Should Be Pedestals
2. Mornings Innocent
3. The Name is Changeless
4. Love is a Rain of Diamonds
5. In Autumn
6. I Will Be Earth
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sang a solo in choir today
I just wanted to share this little tidbit. I know it's nothing exciting in the long-term scheme of things, but I felt good about it and wanted to share the news. I think I might even audition for it if given the chance :)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Oct. 1 Baseball Game

Friday, September 30, 2005
Pets are officially gone...
While I miss them, I know it was the right thing to do.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Skeet League is starting, which means I'm probably 'out' for a bit
Unfortunately it means I'll probably lose a bit of what I learned, but maybe it'll give my brain some time to sink it all in. League is actually based on averages, so if I beat my average it would actually help the team, which is why I think they wouldn't mind having me on here and there. Besides, my Dad shoots on a team which goes for fun mostly, so they're usually around last place according to him. Anyway it means I won't be able to see my two favorite people as much, and give me time to de-stress, but there is always TKB class!
These next couple weeks will be an adjustment for me for various reasons. I can't wait to go to Camp again with the kids this year, it's definitely something I'm looking forward to. I need a little break from the routine, I can feel it. Well anyway, it's late. I was up doing chores, and felt like writing before bed. 'Night.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Really Busy
Shayna's blog (see link under "links") hit home for me. Luckily God is doing good things in my life right now, I just hope it stays that way. I don't know how many more crushes to my heart that I can take. I feel that I am a resilient person, but with each blow, with each failure I become more sensitive and less confident in who I am to the core. I would say more things on this blog, but I'm worried I'll jinx myself. I'll just say thank God for my Dad being who he is!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Pets are going going gone....
Here's their info, email for pics:
LeLu: 4 year old Himalayan cat, spayed, microchipped, UTD until Dec. Friendly, but likes things on her own terms, used to other animals, fur requires grooming.
Zorro: 4 year old ChiMix, 20 lbs, neutered, microchipped, UTD until Aug. 2006. SUPER friendly, active, and loves to cuddle, knows tricks, and is kennel trained.
Animals have to go, my roommate as a problem with them, and I just don't have the time anymore that they deserve. I will miss them, but this has to be done. Regardless, my roomie moving out by end of Oct. I am also considering moving, and will be able to tell you more later as time passes.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Barely Oct, and I'm wearing down fast!
Sometimes I feel like I'm running around in circles with no end in site. I think a good part of this is because I'm stressed with a particular situation I was not planning for until March 1. I don't want to go into it here, but needless to say it has me quite worried. Wheareas my part-time job was to help me pay off my bills finally, now it will be to 'just get by' again, and that scares me to no end. I'm going so far as to consider selling my house in the Spring. I've been feeling a need for change for a while, I just don't know what to do with it, or why exactly I'm feeling it.
Monday, September 19, 2005
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. -Opening scene of "Faust"
Sunday, September 18, 2005
I'd lose my head if it weren't attached :)
Friday I worked a few hours and purchased these screens to hide the litter box locations. I took Saturday and Sunday off for my various activities as follows, and what a GORGEOUS weekend it was! Saturday I went to finally pick up my contacts which had been at the Dr.'s for about 2 months. As I went to also finally get my tire fixed (it had a leak) from a camping trip two months ago, I did a bit of shopping. Unfortunately my car needed more than just a leak fixed, but I could see and hear the problems so I knew it wasn't just mindless additions. I then caught up with my roomie, and by that time I hurried to get ready for dinner and for ColdPlay. (I saw Rebecca on my way out of the concert, but she didn't recognize me with my hair, oh well.) I hadn't been to a concert at UMB, it was really nice to be there. The weather was gorgeous, the music fabulous, and a big full moon shone down on us to keep us company. Today I went to Dennis' surprise 30th b-day party, visited my parents and went to see 40 Year Old Virgin, which I recommend if you need a laugh.
I managed to get food poisoning or stomach flu Friday and really haven't recovered. Eating has not been fun so I'm going to the Dr. tommorow. I've had so much acid reflux that my voice is hoarse, and when things mess with my voice, I start to get paranoid. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Kitty has a home
On the other hand, I had a really nice past week and weekend. Everything is just flying by and I'm loving it. I hope to improve my skeet shooting skills, as my high house shots have been just the pits. My goal is to attempt to get some time in Thursday once everyone is done with their games, but we'll see. I finally got rid of some things my parents wanted me to sell, but still have a couple others that are driving me nuts just 'being around.' I also had about 6 inches cut from my hair and got rid of the highlights. I just decided I needed a change. You should go to Regis in NW Plaza and see Danielle (the manager) she did an excellent job! Ok so that's it for random news. I could say more, but who wants to listen to me blab.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Found Kitten
I found this kitten (very young cat) around my house today. If you know the owner, or want to give it a home, let me know. It was very friendly, but I'm sure will need to be checked by a vet.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet... What?
I think I have several things to work on (which could probably be anyone): figuring out the lead with the timing at each station, swinging all the way through the shot (instead of stopping when I shoot), and making sure I'm not bring the gun's aim down to the target, but up to it (for some reason I kept doing that Monday). Lots to work on, what a fun new hobby. Wish I were better at it, sometimes it can be frustrating, but hey it's all guys so they don't care if I throw out a few explicatives because they do the same thing ahahahah!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Craziness everywhere!
From Habitat for Humanity:
I am a St. Louis Habitat Volunteer and am organizing a Health Kit and Flood Bucket drive to be held this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 3 and 4th, 9:00am-9:00pm each day, at the Deer Creek Shopping Center parking lot, between Big Bend and Laclede Station Rd, in Maplewood, MO. (Across the street from Maple Days.) We'll be collecting kitsand items for kits that meet the guidelines set by United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) ( or see below. These kits have the essentials needed to take a small step towards recovery after a disaster.
*Volunteers are needed at the collection site, and may have to assemble the kits from donated materials.
*One or two hour shifts would likely be the ideal arrangement, but if you can stay longer it would be great!
* Time is of the essence.
*Can't volunteer? Stop by the collection site and say "hi" in any case.
Please pass this information along to anyone you know. If you know of any business willing to donate materials or other supplies, please pass this on. There is much still to do.
Below are the lists for Flood Buckets and Health Kits.
Health Kits are a PRIORITY.
Please respond if available to volunteer.
Thank you,
Dale Chambers
c. 314-724-1905
Guidelines for Health Kit |
1 hand towel (15" x 25" up to 17" x 27")
1 wash cloth
1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized)
1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers)
1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz and up)
1 toothbrush (single brush only in original wrapper; no child-sized brushes)
1 large tube of toothpaste (4.5 or larger, expiration date must be 6 months or longer in advance of the date of shipment to Sager Brown)
6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages
All items should be placed inside a sealed one-gallon plastic bag. No money, notes, religious or political literature, or other items should be placed in the kits.
From the Humane Society:
Emergency Foster Homes Needed
Cats, dogs, horses and farm animals displaced by Hurricane Katrina need temporary homes
The Humane Society of Missouri has received numerous calls from people who have fled the Hurricane Katrina disaster area and have arrived in St. Louis needing temporary boarding for their pets. To aid these storm victims, we have set up an Emergency Foster Animal Clearinghouse to help match persons with animals needing boarding with persons who have available space.
If you are willing to help people with pets, horses or farm animals in need and have facilities to provide for them, please sign up as a foster home via our web site. We will contact you as we have requests for the service you are able to provide.
Thank you very much for your generosity in this time of great need. Please forward this email to others who might be interested in providing foster animal care.
If you would like to donate to help support the eight-person Humane Society of Missouri Disaster Response Team currently rescuing animals in the hurricane stricken area, please call 314-951-1542 or make a contribution on our secure website. Read more>>
PLEASE NOTE: Because this is an emergency situation, the Humane Society of Missouri is acting merely as a clearinghouse and makes no guarantee about the health or suitability of animals or suitability of foster homes.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Fly Away
I came home today played a broken MM C7 chord or (C7+?) and randomly sang this song. Wish I could elaborate farther but, apparently I just need to sing that little bit to express myself. Some of the songs I teach are really short, so I guess my little random song is perfectly fine the way it is. Too bad I don't have any good software to share it with you. I don't even know how to make a .wav file using my voice on a PC. I can do it on a Mac though :)
Fly, fly away
Fly, fly away
Let me fly up in sky away
Free to be whoever, whatever I may
Fly, fly away
Oh, fly, fly away
Copyright ©2005 Amy M. Bauer
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Shrimp Alfredo
Half Box of Fettucine Noodles
1/2 Jar of Classico Four Cheese Alfredo
40 pre-cooked shrimp (thaw in water)
7 0z can of Georgio Chunky Portobello Mushrooms
5 chopped marinated artichokes quarters
1 tsp (aprx) Thyme
1 tsp (aprx) Savory
1 tsp (aprx) Basil
1 tsp (aprx) Oregano
3-4 cloves of garlic (meaning the little peices from one clove) minced fresh
Boil the noodles (put in 1 TBLSP of Olive oil and salt to avoid stickage, don't forget to stir). After thawing shrimp in cold water, take off tails and put in frying pan. Add artichokes, mushrooms, garlic cloves, and sauce. Mix ingredients and then add spices to taste, stir again. Bring to a simmer and cover for approximately 10 minutes (continue to stir on occaision) on low. Once the noodles are done, add to taste the amount of shrimp/alfredo mix you want. Add parmesean cheese on top to taste.
Man this was good! I felt like I was 'out to eat.'
Monday, August 29, 2005
My place in this world
I didn't imagine that I would actually figure out where I was supposed to be in life. For a while I really felt that I made the wrong choice and I should have gone the nursing route. I still have time to go back to school before my anatomy class 'expires' but I'm really not so sure that is what I want. I enjoy where I am and want to give as much as I can to my students (well within reason :) I am also working on getting my debt down to minimum. I ran into a couple students this weekend at my weekend position, and they seemed really excited seeing me outside of school. It was cute. I'm hoping I'm successful there enough to at least stay on for as long as I need/want to in order to accomplish my debt-reducing goals. Somehow I have a feeling my life will be completely "up in the air" next year. I don't know why or how exactly, but I have a feeling it will involve a move, a new job, or something different as in 'major' change. Usually I'm right about my intution so I'm trying to make this year count one way or the other. My intuition is about as 'right on' as me predicting various marriages with friends or predicting outcomes of something might say to me before they even say it. This is the feeling I'm getting, and it could be God's way of saying "get ready, change is coming fairly soon."
I don't know what change I'm not doing anything different. Nothing 'major' has really happened to me like a new boyfriend, or move, or new car type thing. Maybe my change is more of an inner change. Either way I really feel something is coming whatever it is, and I have to be ready. I feel that whatever I'm doing now, is getting me ready for whatever it is. I know that sounds wierd and vague but it's how I feel, and I know it means something of significance. Anyway, as I was thinking of writing this blog, I heard this song in my head. Of course, everything must relate to a song being who I am. Here it is:
My Place in this World performed by Michael W. Smith
The wind is moving
But I am standing still
A life of pages
Waiting to be filled
A heart that’s hopeful
A head that’s full of dreams
But this becoming
Is harder than it seems
Feels like i’m
Looking for a reason
Roaming through the night to find
My place in this world
My place in this world
Not a lot to lean on
I need your light to help me find
My place in this world
My place in this world
If there are millions
Down on their knees
Among the many
Can you still hear me
Hear me asking
Where do I belong
Is there a vision
That I can call my own
Show me i’m
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Weekend Update
Friday night I finally got my oil changed. It was only 4-5k behind. The line was so long I decided to have my nails done whilst I waited. So now I have nice looking fake nails and french maincured feet. Not sure if I can handle the nails, but we'll see how long they last. I was going to attend a friend's b-day celebration but by the time she called me I fell asleep I was just that tired. Saturday I worked at WEO, and more than made my weekend with one sale. I then went to volunteer at "The Lot" sponsored by Metropolis. It was fun to see everyone, drink free, and just hang out. After taking Jen and her friend home, I crashed in bed for a nice sleep. Sunday I worked again, and did fairly well. Note to self: just because the store is out of merchandise doesn't mean it's my fault :0)
So now I'm chilling for 2 seconds writing this before I mow the lawn. I'm debating on working out because technically I'm sure I walked at least 10 miles working this weekend alone. Later.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
On another random note I discovered that I managed to jam my hip socket in TKB (turbo kick box.) I can't give up TKB, but I will at least keep my exercise to walking until we know for sure I'm healed. Today I was really sore and in pain, but ibuprofen saved the day. We'll see how I am tommorow. Wish me luck! I really have no clue what is going on with the left side of my body. First I get shin splints from running training, now I've got a jammed hip and my neck on the left also feels stiff. I could just still be healing from the Dec. accident or maybe I just overdid it in TKB on a stressful day or something :)
WHOOHOOO, I'm so glad I'm making progress with skeet shooting. It actually made my day! My Dad says I'm very instinctive, so hopefully I'll stay that way. If you think too much, you actually get worse. It sounds strange but if you experienced what I'm doing then you'd know what I was talking about. Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Top 10 Internet Fads
Check out my new links (since I changed templates, and I'm not knowledgeable about blogger enough to make my own). One of them is to Shockwave, which has a fun game called "Bookworm" it's fun!
Monday, August 22, 2005
I can already tell I will be really worn out by the end of this year (who isn't?), but I know that I will enjoy it. I already notice that my teaching style and approach has changed, and it will be more beneficial to the students. Part of this is the year of experience, part of it is my unquenchable thirst for resources and ways to make things more interesting. I have a sneaking feeling (due to possible loss of enrollment at the school, or the possibily of not being able to travel to keep things full-time) that I could be hunting for another position next year, and so I want to make this year with the students count. I love seeing them again and I'm so excited to be their teacher. It's a shame that for specialists we are 'kept down to the minute' of our teaching time wheras say the librarian will always be full time no matter what the enrollment (I think). 'We' are looking for ways to offer additional courses if enrollment is down, as it makes a huge difference for the students (and teacher) to have a full-time permanant teacher. This year will be easier for me than the last, but I will definitely be keeping things challenging and trying new ideas.
I am really very excited to be teaching such a fabulous group of students this year! It is highly encouraging for me as my first three years of teaching in another district were a bit rough. I love the district, I love the people I work with, and I wouldn't change schools for the world. I hate to admit it but I think I found my place in life, and all this time I feel that God planned for me to teach. I feel like I have so much more meaning in my life because I have a job that can make a difference for the future of tommorow. Sounds cheesy to you maybe, but it's true. Anyway I should be asleep, so I will attempt to sleep now.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Random Thoughts!
On the way home from Fairview Heights, I couldn't help but see the giant neon sign, three hundred parking lot lights, and strobe lights for "Hollywood." If anyone has even been close to or on Rt. 3 you know exactly to what kind of establishment I refer. I was very disgusted by the fact that there were quite a good deal of cars parked in the lot (on a Thursday during happy hour to at least 9pm) as well as the establishment across from it. Before, I simply went to appease the group of people or person that I accompanied.
Since I've had time away from that life, and to start thinking about myself again I remembered something. Oh yeah, I didn't really care for them (these establishments) then, and I really don't care for them now. If I must be up past 3 and still want to be out, I'd rather choose the Oz or Pops. I am very much out of the going crazy phase of my life. Being so crazy I'm sure has kept me from going to church, getting the sleep I need, and or losing any type of weight from all the calories beverages incur. I really won't miss it at all! It was decent while it lasted, but I won't miss certain stressors that could also come with that. I would mention them, but I'd rather say relatively nice things, than say anything at all.
I realize that am happy to be "officially" single. I didn't realize how caught up I was in feeling like I had to take care of a certain someone, until I remembered "Hey I'm a person with needs too and I'm an accomplice to these actions so long as I stay in the situation." (While that may seem obvious to most of you, it's a little more difficult than it sounds if you a. are in love and b. you're a girl, taking care of people is practically built in (at least in my genes since I was the oldest.)
While it will be a strange experience as I really haven't been single for long since my college graduation, maybe 1-2 months tops (this means no dating of any kind), I am welcoming it with open arms. I'm doing my own thing. I'm working out, I'm finding new hobbies, I'm getting more invovled with my current position, I acquired a weekend position to make sure I can get some bills paid off sometime before the end of this century, and I am doing things for ME.
ME, ME ME! It feels wierd being this way, but I'd have to say I feel happier and healthier than I've been in a long time. I'm a more positive, upbeat person and I'm just generally a lot more outgoing. (Yeah look out, if you thought I was too 'happy' before, wait till you see me now. I almost feel like I did in high school when I'd be in a good mood sometimes no matter what was happening around me.) My attitude is this, you only have once to live. Why do I want to live in depression, lonliness, or emptiness because of whatever? You do know staying in that mode is a choice right (unless you have the 'disease' and your chemicals are off)? I am choosing this for myself and it works! I can either choose to be snappy with my students if they push me to the limit or I can find ways to be positive with them to encourage better behavior rather than bringing more attention to the behavior that disrupts their learning. I can choose to mope around the house and be all depressed or whine to friends about how depressed I am, or I can get out there and do my thing and have fun with my friends and keep up with everyone's experiences.
I am so excited about this. I don't know if it's the full moon or what! Maybe I finally let God in just enough to do what He's been working on for years, I don't know. But I feel it! I finally feel full. I feel complete, on my own, without thinking I need to lean on someone for my happiness. Ok I knew these things before, I just didn't feel them. There is a BIG difference ok, for all those people who have every thing figured out and are laughing at me because you think I lacked common sense. Has nothing to do with it. I allowed my emotions to take control of what I knew to be the right direction to go in life. I chose the easy route. Then I took the hard way for a while, which really wasn't that bad looking back on it. Now I feel like I'm on easy street again on this time I'm happier, healthier, and flat out more sure of myself. If I do feel lonely, bored, depressed I have tons of friends to call on. I could even visit my family, read a book, work out, play Classic NES games, whatever. Thanks for praying for me if you did because it's working. I promised I wouldn't go back on my decision, and I'm still on the right road and I will keep it that way. :)
P.S. The typos and sentance structures are killing me too, but I refuse to make time to edit. ;)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
It's Official!
Oddly, my first day of school was the first day of traveling as a teacher. It was the strangest thing for me because for one I taught in that particular teachers' room instead of the music/art/science/orchestra room where I will be teaching 2 times a week. It was almost like starting as a brand new teacher all over again. Lucky for me the kids were tired, so they were very well behaved for the last class at the end of the first day. I had no idea the first day of Kindergarten was so crazy for the teachers and students. They have to learn everything from scratch. The more I learn about K teachers, the more I have to admire them! I can't wait to be in the multi-room, as it will do wonders for my choices in lesson planning. (I forgot to say I'm in the other room because the art/ music rooms had black mold problems and were quarantined. They won't be ready until the end of next week :(
Meanwhile, I stayed at my travel school until 7pm! Even though I won't be in the room for a week, I can't teach there knowing the decor is drab. So I apparently spent a good deal of time redoing the bullitin boards, laminating, cutting, stapeling etc etc. The room looks much better, and I'm sure the art teacher (who travels like me from my school) will spruce it up herself as well. I'm so wired I can't even relax. I hope I can sleep well tonight.
Btw did I mention my goals this year are to find new and exciting methods for especially teaching the younger kiddos, espeically K. I also plan to have at least 4 concerts this year, hold a club in the fall, teach at camp again, and tutor in the spring? I want to emmerse myself as much as possible. Don't forget I have choir on Mondays (when it starts), turbo kickbox, skeet with my Dad (for a little longer), and Weekends Only. Yeah I'm probably crazy, but I need to keep my mind off some things and just be busy, busy, busy. It's what I do best: taking on more than any normal human being should. Ironically I work better that way (maybe that's why I'm so lazy in the summer? :)
Keeping it even
Amusing quotes I will miss: 1. "I dunnevenknow"2. "Tunnel of your doom" 3. "Ripe spring rain"
4. "Hmmm?' (Pouty face) 5. "Aeeh?" (crinkle nose) Activities I will miss: 1. Family Guy 2. The Sunday Night Ritual 3. Learning new "go out" places 4. Dancing 'till the break of dawn (on occaision) 5. Hilarious druken calls Things I will miss: 1. Someone to call for directions to any place in the city. 2. The scent 3. The sexiest alive 4. Keeping my feet warm 5. Enclosed arms, sense of feeling safe
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Wasted Time
Wasted Time by Meshell Ndegeocello
You rarely notice but I hang on your every word
Everything you say
You are much too busy to notice me
You turn and walk away
Into anothers arms hopeless ashamed
I wish I could hold you that way
Brokenhearted I dream for you to notice me
Wasted time on loving you wasted time
Wasted time on someone
Who wont love you as much as I
As much as I as much as I as much as I
In my fantasy you are asleep beside me
I feel you breathe
If only I could be there for you
The one that you make love to
Wasted time on loving you wasted time
Wasted time on someone
Who wont love you as much as I
As much as I as much as I as much as I
You rarely notice but I hang on your every word
Everything you say
You are much too busy to notice me
You turn and walk away
Into anothers arms hopeless ashamed
I wish I could hold you that way
Brokenhearted I dream for you to notice me
Monday, August 15, 2005
5 Stages of Change
I have found that change definitely does NOT come easy. I have had to make some very difficult changes lately. It has forced me to experience pain, depression, anger, distress (maybe I should just describe the steps of grieving here?) but I know these things are temporary and I allow them because I know they are for a good purpose. For a while now, I have known about a certain set of decisions that I needed to choose in order to ultimately change and become a better person for it. A particular decision that I have made quite recently has been emotionally gut-wrenching for me. I have been in denial, depression, anger, and most certainly bargaining. I'd say I've been wavering in and out of the 5 stages for quite some time now. I think perhaps I have finally reached the acceptance stage of what I knew to be as the "following through" aspect of this change. While I'm still wavering in feeling, I am set on what I have chosen, and I intend to follow through.
This decision will affect a few people either negatively or positively; however I feel the positive outweighs the negative here. While I can't say that I won't have a slip on my 'follow-through' and mentally lapse toward my intention to change, I must and absolutely must remain firm. I must pledge to myself every day to see this (and other) decisions through. Will it be painful? Yes. Will it be rough? Yes. Will I want to change my mind at some point? Most certainly. But will I allow myself to fail on my follow through for this decision? Absolutely not! I can't say that certain happenings would be impossible to occur, only that I know that at this stage in my life, I won't allow it. I am following through with my pledge to myself, being selfish on this one through and through for once, because that is the only way I know how to make this work.
God, I really feel I made the right choices here. For once in my life, maybe I actually stopped to listen to you rather than rattle off my woes. I'm not sure for this to be exact, but I know that you will support me and will guide me to where I need to go from here. You will hold my hand and keep me strong in this difficult emotional time. I am not alone. You are with me always. I also have friends and family who love and care for me, and will offer their hand if I start to slip. But I feel, that I will not slip, for You are with me. You will fill me with your love so that I do not want and feel empty inside.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Three Little Birds
Three Little Birds Bob Marley
Don’t worry about a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin’,
Smiled with the risin’ sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin’ sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin’, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)
Singin’: don’t worry ’bout a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: don’t worry (don’t worry) ’bout a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin’,
Smiled with the risin’ sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin’ sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin’, this is my message to you-ou-ou:
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. don’t worry!
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing - I won’t worry!
’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right - I won’t worry!
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing,
’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: don’t worry about a thing, oh no!
’cause every little thing gonna be all right!
It's my own d*** fault
And it helped me realize I DO have a CHOICE!! I CAN CHOOSE the direction that I wish to go. I can either choose what I know is harmful to me and deceive myself that it is what I want, or I can choose what I know is the right and healthy path for me and make a commitment to myself. There is no try, only do (something like that from Star Wars eh?) If I want it, I can make these changes; I have to CHOOSE them instead of playing victim. I do this in most aspects of my life except where I am the most weak. I can and I will overcome the past and will move on to the new and improved. It's my own d*** fault if I don't, and I deserve the consequences if I allow myself to fail. I am determined to change without fail, no matter how hard. Nothing in this world that is good is always easy. It's easier to not change, to stay where you are than to do the opposite. Most things that are difficult are worth achieving. My goals are definitely endeavors that I can and do have control over to change. And so I shall because I refuse for it to be 'my own d*** fault by choosing to fail!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
So Long Sweet Summer
I picked out this song for the Luau, because I guess at that time I was thinking it would be the last big 'blast' I would have before starting school. There are activities planned during my free time, yes, but considering I also start training for my part-time job this weekend, things are fairly crazy. It's a good song, you should check it out.
So Long Sweet Summer Dashboard Confessionals
So long sweet summer
I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays
So long sweet summer
I fell into you
Now you're gracefully falling away
Hey thanks
Thanks for that summer
It's cold where you're going
I hope that your heart's always warm
I gave you the best
Gave you the best that I have
So, so long sweet summer
I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays
So long sweet summer
I fell into you
Now you're gracefully falling away
I hate the winter, in Lexington
I hate the winter, in Lexington
In Lexington, Lexington, Lexington
Monday, August 08, 2005
Weekend Update with Kevin Nealon

Kevin Nealon and Friends

My friends and I went to the Funny Bone to see Kevin Nealon this weekend at Westport Plaza. It was some good times and good laughs. The picture above is a picture of us with Mr. Nealon in the middle (well I smiled, but I didn't know it was one of those 2 flash cameras). We were one of the first in line to see his show and he was taking a break out front :)
Friday, August 05, 2005
Btw the gun I'm using is a 28 gauge with about 6.9 lbs of weight if that makes any difference to those who asked me before. I also found out that a rifle shoots bullets (really big ones), and a shot gun shoots shells (which are lead pellets that spray out and hit the target).
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I thank you God
Thank You for This Amazing Day
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginably You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
- e. e. cummings
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The Awakening
A time comes in your life when you finally get it . . . when in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out: ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears, and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world through new eyes. This is your awakening. You realize that it`s time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that he is not Prince Charming and you are not Cinderella and that in the real world there aren`t always fairytale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of `happily ever after` must begin with you and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate, or approve of who or what you are . . .and that`s OK. (They are entitled to their own views and opinions.) And you learn the importance of loving and championing yourself and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.
You stop bitching and blaming other people for the things they did to you (or didn`t do for you,) and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected. You learn that people don`t always say what they mean or mean what they say and that not everyone will always be there for you and that it`s not always about you. So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself, and in the process a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance.
You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties, and in the process a sense of peace & contentment is born of forgiveness.
You realize that much of the way you view yourself, and the world around you, is as a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into your psyche.
You begin to sift through all the crap you`ve been fed about how you should behave, how you should look, how much you should weigh, what you should wear, where you should shop, what you should drive, how and where you should live, what you should do for a living, who you should sleep with, who you should marry, what you should expect of a marriage, the importance of having and raising children, or what you owe your parents.
You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you begin reassessing and redefining who you are what you really stand for.
You learn the difference between wanting and needing and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you`ve outgrown, or should never have bought into to begin with ,and in the process you learn to go with your instincts.
You learn that it is truly in giving that we receive. And that there is power and glory in creating and contributing. You stop maneuvering through life merely as a `consumer` looking for your next fix. Your learn that principles such as honesty and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a by gone era but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which you must build a life.
You learn that you don`t know everything, that it`s not your job to save the world and that you can`t teach a pig to sing. You learn to distinguish between guilt and responsibility, and you learn the importance of setting boundaries and of learning to say NO. You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that martyrs get burned at the stake.
Then you learn about love: Romantic love and familiar love. You learn how to love, how much to give in love, when to stop giving, and when to walk away.
You learn not to project your needs or your feelings onto a relationship. You learn that you will not be more beautiful, more intelligent, more lovable or important because of the man or woman on your arm or the child that bears your name. You learn to look at relationships as they really are and not as you would have them be. You stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes. You learn that just as people grow and change so it is with love. And you learn that you don`t have the right to demand love on your terms.
And, you learn that alone does not mean lonely. And you look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that you will never be a size 5 or a perfect 10 and you stop trying to compete with the image inside your head and agonizing over how you `stack up.`
You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over, and ignoring your needs. You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK, and you learn that it is your right to want things and to ask for the things that you want--and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.
You come to the realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity, and respect ,and you decide you won`t settle for less. And you allow only the hands of a lover who cherishes you to glorify you with his or her touch . . . and in the process you internalize the meaning of self-respect.
And you learn that your body really is your temple. And you begin to care for it and treat it with respect. You begin eating a balanced diet, drinking more water, and taking more time to exercise. You learn that fatigue diminishes the spirit and can create doubt and fear. So you take more time to rest. And, just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul. So you take more time to laugh and to play.
You learn that for the most part, in life, you get what you believe you deserve . . . and that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You learn that anything worth achieving is worth working for and that wishing for something to happen is different than working toward making it happen. More importantly, you learn that in order to achieve success you need direction, discipline, and perseverance. You also learn that no one can do it all alone and that it`s OK to risk asking for help.
You learn that the only thing you must truly fear is the great robber baron of all time: FEAR itself. You learn to step right into and through your fears, because you know that whatever happens you can handle it and to give in to fear is to give away the right to live life on your terms.
And you learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom. You learn that life isn`t always fair, you don`t always get what you think you deserve and that sometimes `bad` things happen to unsuspecting, good people. On these occasions you learn not to personalize things. You learn that God isn`t punishing you or failing to answer your prayers. It`s just life happening.
And you learn to deal with evil in its most primal state: the ego. You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy, and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to building bridges instead of walls.
You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about: a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.
Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself, and you make yourself a promise never to betray yourself and never, ever to settle for less than your heart`s desire. And you hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind. And you make a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
Finally, with courage in your heart, you take a deep breath and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can.
Author Unknown