Sunday, August 14, 2005

It's my own d*** fault

I was talking to a friend of mine for some advice today and she said something that really hit home for me. I have to write it down to make sure that I remember the feeling of empowerment that came with the statement above. There are some changes that I am making in my life, that I am committed to making, but finding it emotionally difficult at times to enforce. There are people reading this that are close to me and may think they know exactly to what I'm referring, but this is something entirely different (it just happens to apply to all of the above.) She said, "Amy don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be mean, but it's your own d*** fault if you allow this to continue [meaning if I fail in my saught after endeavors]" by allowing your weaknesses to overcome you. I wasn't offended at all. In fact I agreed with her.

And it helped me realize I DO have a CHOICE!! I CAN CHOOSE the direction that I wish to go. I can either choose what I know is harmful to me and deceive myself that it is what I want, or I can choose what I know is the right and healthy path for me and make a commitment to myself. There is no try, only do (something like that from Star Wars eh?) If I want it, I can make these changes; I have to CHOOSE them instead of playing victim. I do this in most aspects of my life except where I am the most weak. I can and I will overcome the past and will move on to the new and improved. It's my own d*** fault if I don't, and I deserve the consequences if I allow myself to fail. I am determined to change without fail, no matter how hard. Nothing in this world that is good is always easy. It's easier to not change, to stay where you are than to do the opposite. Most things that are difficult are worth achieving. My goals are definitely endeavors that I can and do have control over to change. And so I shall because I refuse for it to be 'my own d*** fault by choosing to fail!

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