Monday, August 22, 2005


Ever feel like you are stuck in 'overdrive' mode? I have no clue why but I am determined to go above and beyond. Usually this means I do way more than I should, and push myself to all possible limits. Today is only Monday the 4th day of school, and I was there until 630. Not because I had to be, but because I was determined to figure out these orders for school. I found a fabulous sale on isntruments in one of the catalogs and so I have to snap them before they are gone. I'm not going to tell you were in case, they are super-popular, which at that price I know they will be.

I can already tell I will be really worn out by the end of this year (who isn't?), but I know that I will enjoy it. I already notice that my teaching style and approach has changed, and it will be more beneficial to the students. Part of this is the year of experience, part of it is my unquenchable thirst for resources and ways to make things more interesting. I have a sneaking feeling (due to possible loss of enrollment at the school, or the possibily of not being able to travel to keep things full-time) that I could be hunting for another position next year, and so I want to make this year with the students count. I love seeing them again and I'm so excited to be their teacher. It's a shame that for specialists we are 'kept down to the minute' of our teaching time wheras say the librarian will always be full time no matter what the enrollment (I think). 'We' are looking for ways to offer additional courses if enrollment is down, as it makes a huge difference for the students (and teacher) to have a full-time permanant teacher. This year will be easier for me than the last, but I will definitely be keeping things challenging and trying new ideas.

I am really very excited to be teaching such a fabulous group of students this year! It is highly encouraging for me as my first three years of teaching in another district were a bit rough. I love the district, I love the people I work with, and I wouldn't change schools for the world. I hate to admit it but I think I found my place in life, and all this time I feel that God planned for me to teach. I feel like I have so much more meaning in my life because I have a job that can make a difference for the future of tommorow. Sounds cheesy to you maybe, but it's true. Anyway I should be asleep, so I will attempt to sleep now.

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