Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Inspired by a friend

Last night I was thinking what have I really accomplished this last year and what do I want to have accomplished by next year's end.

Accomplishments this year:

1. Succeeded in teaching a new level of students
2. Lower my debt (happened very slowly, but I'm getting there)
3. Updated various parts of the house through painting
4. Bridesmaid in a wedding
5. Two float/camp trips to Black River and Huzzah Valley
6. Joined a choir (have a solo this weekend)
7. Survived lifes trials and tribulations
8. Learned how to shoot a shot gun (shot skeet)

What I still want to do:
1. Improve on my shooting abilities
2. Take a class or two next summer to add to my teaching resources
3. Take/pass the 2nd level technology program at school so I can get a G5 Mac (and cool programs) in my room :)
4. Continue to sing in a choir
5. Continue to lower my debt
6. Really figure out where I fit spiritually (been thinking about checking out a different church near me)

Other things I would like to do sometime:
1. Sky dive
2. Hot air balloon ride
3. Skiing: Water and Snow
4. Actually run the half marathon without my legs/hips going out
5. Visit a National Landmark: Grand Canyon, Niagra Falls etc.
6. See a show in NY on Broadway and/or the Metropolitan Opera

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