Friday, December 23, 2005

When it Rains it Pours

I've heard this saying from several people this week, and so it has stuck in my mind as the week is coming to a close and the 'vacation' begins. I have to wonder why "When it rains, it pours?" Let me pose some examples:

1. While I knew having a roommate would increase the utilities a little bit I never expected the following:

Satellite: $10 increase (supposed to be $5 inc.)
Mobile: $35 increase from going over minutes and using text messages
Gas Bill: $100 increase from last month
Electric Bill: $30 increase from last month
Car Insurance: $70 increase for the new policy (due to last year's accident)

I can only imagine what is coming next! YIKES!

2. Other stupid problems that are just annoying:

a. The website for my ins. company was screwy so I spent about 1.5 hours talking on the phone and trying to get the insurance set up. (ARGH!)

b. The chest of drawers I had purchased in June is having to get yet another replacement, this would be no. 3. The first was broken, so they replaced it. The second the top drawer cracked. Supposedly I'll be getting a new top drawer Friday after 2 MONTHS of waiting for a stupid little part that still hasn't come in.

c. Kitty cat needed declawing.

d. Christmas shopping.

e. Just trying to get around in traffic for normal every day stuff since everyone seems to think we should all get on the highway at the same time (luckily I just cancelled apointments and took back ways which were also 'backed up.'

f. Paying property taxes during the holiday season when you are already broke.

g. Having to make an insurance claim from being hit by someone else in someone else's car a week or two ago.

h. Having sinusitis/bronchitis all at the same time I'm supposed to be taking care of this stuff. (Although I went to the Dr. today so it should be gone sometime soon.)

When talking to my uncle about what would be the best/least coverage that I could afford for car insurance, he said "welcome to the real world." I told him I've been living in the real world for quite sometime and didn't need the reminder. It's not that I'm not aware of 'crap' that happens or don't expect, it's just that we can't afford it. He laughed and said, "tell me about it."

I hope everyone's holiday is going better than mine. I hope I don't sound ungrateful for being alive and that God has blessed me with the ability to eek by to pay for these things. It's just craziness! How can we ever expect to get ahead or do well, when there is ALWAYS something that bites you in the butt and takes all your 'preparedness' efforts down in one swoop?

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