Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I have no time and other news

Last week was one crazy experience! I spent 90% of my time after work in rehearsal for the Philharmonic/ Gateway Men's Chorus/ St. Louis Women's Chorale Holiday pops concert. It turned out fabulous and was a sold out show. Unfortunately the programs were not updated, and so my name, among others, does not appear. On another note we have another concert series on the 17th and 18th of December. It will prove interesting being that I am singing a solo (yikes!) of which I would hope to do well.

On another note my roomie has finished unpacking, and I gave notice of my resignation for my weekend position. I found that I have been really worn out lately to the point of worrying a certain someone close to me. Also, while I enjoyed having the extra money to pay down some debt, the roomie aleves the pressure for me to continue wearing myself down to oblivion.

Today I experienced the symphony with my students and I was disappointed to have only heard one piece (The Sorcerer's Apprentice). While nicely done, I felt the students deserved more than one song for possibly their only experience of seeing a professional orchestra at Powell.

Well, as always, I am off. My small group is throwing a suprise shower for one of the girls having a baby boy. Adios!

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