Monday, December 12, 2005

Angels were watching over me...

This last week led me to a couple scary experiences. I am confident in saying that God's angels were watching over me. On Thursday, I was coming back from helping Eric paint what was left in his house. Most of the snow was melted by salt at this time, and the area where I was was not very well lit. I was going about 35-40 when I hit a random patch of snow, slid across the other lane, and then turned left about 90 degrees. Luckily the person in front of me kept going and there wasn't anyone else around, otherwise I'd have been in for another crash landing. It makes me wonder if my car is really acceptable for driving in MO's weather conditions. I have had more problems in the snow with this car than any other car I've had, even the POS's.

On Saturday I was on my way to Layfette with some friends after visiting other establishments. My friend Liz S and I were in the back seat chatting away, when out of nowhere I felt the car being hit from the side. I really have no clue what happened, but I 'heard' the girl ran a red light because she almost hit the car in front of us apparently. Although she was dressed conspicuously I'm not sure why they didn't give her a breathalizer, as she seemed a little dramatic. Anyhoo, today my arm and neck are very sore, and once again I had to tell a chiropractor that I was in an accident. Thank God no one was seriously injured, and I'm glad I was smart to have two DD's around.

Overall this month has been flying by fast, has been very stressfully busy, and overall flat out strange. I am very thankful because things could have been worse those two nights. I am also very thankful that Eric was there, and was in a different car. It's very wierd to me than in a few weeks, this year will be over. Have I really accomplished anything worthwhile? What have I to say for myself? Is sometimes just making it through life's tests an accomplishment?

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