Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Random Thoughts While Driving

Today I was on the way to my chiropractor/massage visit, which by the way are awesome! A commercial was on the radio about some show called "Millionaire" and what not. So it lead me to think about what would I do if I had a million dollars. (Yeah I guess that's cliche from the song.) I decided at the least I would pay off my debt. But then I was thinking, I might go back to school etc. Which then lead me to consider, if I had it to do all over again would I still choose the same profession? If school loans or other reality check items were not a factor, and I knew then what I know now, would I still go the same route toward my education?

The answer for now is, I'm not really sure. But consider this, if money didn't matter, what profession would you choose that would totally make you happy? I'm referring to a profession that you would wake up every morning during the week and think, man I love this job, I can't wait to go to work! Just thoughts. What are yours?

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