Tuesday, November 22, 2005

High Tension

Last night I rented the movie called High Tension. A. I didn't realize that it was a French film translated to English with audio dub and B. I thought it was really pretty dumb. I'd say I lost interest after the first 20-30 minutes. The plot is very thin in the beginning and goes straight into the gory killing of the family. There is a twist at the end, but it's not very hard to figure out. While I would say the movie could be deemed 'tense' I wasn't too impressed with it. So much for taking the advice of the person at Blockbuster. I'd be better off sticking to my choices with the online rentals in my queue. Next up, The Upside of Anger.

Post Script: I actually ended up watching Fever Pitch tonight instead. It was really a good movie, but then again I like romantic comedy. :)

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