Sunday, November 06, 2005

I have been blessed!

I'm not sure why I deserve it, but God has been blessing me lately with some wonderful things. This weekend I happened to win the Weekends Only warrantee contest for the month. I was in desperate need of a boom box, and voila, there it was, for free! On top of that it was a comission check and I had taken the a whole weekend off for that pay period so it wouldn't have been much money normally. I hadn't been expecting the commission so it was like a blessing of surprise, I had time to relax and still have the money to get by.

God has also blessed me with relatively good health, vocal health in particular. People around me who have had difficulties that I prayed for seem to be doing better. I have also found a possible roommate, and look forward to meeting her. Let's not forget that I have also been lucky to meet a very great guy who treats me wonderfully :)

I just wanted to give a shout out to God for all the great things He has done for me, especially recently. I'm not used to not having some 'major catastrophe' (ok, well, huge concern) that I'm not completely worried about. Somehow I just really feel God has things under control, and right now He's allowing me time to recoup from whatever craziness I've been experiencing in the past year. Yeah! If you have been praying for my friends, family, and I Thank you!

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