Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

After having such a very busy last week and weekend, thi past weekend was just what the Dr. ordered. I had Friday off work and did basically nothing all day. Then I went to see The Medium, which is an opera with a darker side. It was really good. Saturday I went to Jen's Halloween party and saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a really long time. I had forgotten I chopped off all my hair until I had a bunch of compliments on it. Danielle at Regis in NW Plaza is awesome! Sunday was yet another relaxing day. Eric and I were going to go skeet shooting, but the powerlines were zapped so the houses would not throw the skeet correctly. Instead I took him to visit the rest of the family: mom, brother, grandma and then we ate dinner in his neck of the woods.

On another note, I'm seriously going to complain to the city about the fire hydrant less than a foot from my driveway. This weekend marks 3 people (including myself) that have hit the hydrant in 2 years. Even the people who lived here before me ran into it. I tried reflector sticks, the kids took them to play games. I put reflective tape on the hydrant itself and then the city painted over it. This thing has GOT TO GO! What a nusance! What genius came up with the idea of putting a hydrant at the end of a driveway less than 12 inches away from the concrete I'd like to know?

(1947) Gian Carlo Menotti
The sun is falling and it lies in blood
The moon is weaving bandages of gold
Old Black Swan where oh where is my lover now
Where oh where is my lover now

Torn and tattered is my bridal gown and my lamp is lost
With silver needles and with silver threads
The stars stitch a route for the dying sun
Old Black Swan where oh where is my lover now

I had given him a kiss and a golden ring
And a golden ring
I had given him a kiss of fire and a golden ring
Oh with silver needles and with silver threads
The stars stitch a route for the dying sun

Black Wing o Black Wing take me down with you
Take me down with you take me down with you
Take me down with you
Old Black Swan take me down with you
I had given him a kiss of fire
Take me down with you

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