Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Painting and more painting

Alright so in the past few weeks I've managed to finally get the deck stained. It only took 6 hours (only), but it looks good. I also happened to paint the ceilings in the living room, kitchen, and hallway. Did I mention I also primed, and painted the entire basement this last weekend? I know it sounds exciting, but that's what I've been up to.

My birthday was great! I met some friends at Druken Fish and feasted on a wonderful dinner. Unfortunately it was in Westport so I didn't feel the need to leave the area for better pastures afterwards but I really appreciate my friends coming and hanging out with me. Sunday was comprised of finishing the basement (that I started Friday night), and then I went to Home Depot with Eric to help him pick paint for his house. Yeah, more painting is in store, but it's ok, it'll be worth it!

Tuesday I went to the Melting Pot with Liz and Kyle. I hadn't seen them since August, WOW! It's been a crazy weekend, followed by a crazy week. Well I know this is isn't poetic or deeply inspiring, but I don't have time to write anything really worthwhile, but I wanted an update of something. :)

Happy Halloween!

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