Monday, October 17, 2005

Looming Stress

If you remember reading earlier my roommate used a lame excuse (even though the problem has been rectified) to move out of her lease early so she could live with her boyfriend. I agreed on certain conditions so as not to cause a 'scene.' Needless to say, I'm short a roommate starting Nov. 1 and I'm very concerned about my financial standing after she is officially moved out. I have an ad on Craig's list, but am skeptical of some of the responses. I'm really stressing out, and don't know really what to do. I don't think it would be wise to try to sell a house right before Christmas and on top of that I don't know where I'd go simply because living here is technically so cheap. I'm not really paying that much more than my apartment from before (well before I'm sure rates went up) but as you know I made some bad financial choices by putting my nursing school pre-reqs on a credit card (how dumb was that!). Anyway, financially I'm making progress, but it was all based on having a roomie until her lease was up and now I find myself worried about floundering again. Please pray for me that I can manage my finances wisely with my weekend job, and that I don't fall apart health wise from working so much and attempting to keep sane by having a social life. I really hope I can find a roommate, I just need one for 6 months, and than I'm considering selling. I've already finished some projects I started a while back (ceilings are now freshly painted and I finally got the deck done). I have 2 more which is to paint the basement and the kitchen cabinets just to update them a bit (not that they are really bad now). I could really use your prayers and support. -A

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