Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm Back!

I survived another 4 days of 5th grade camp! It was fun, but really exhausting this time. I think some of it was because we had more students this year. I really enjoyed seeing the students in another light and getting to know the other teachers even more than I get to at school. I ate so many s'mores I can't even count, but they were delicious! This is why I must teach camp crafts, what is more fun than making food all day and teaching kids how to do it themselves on their own fires ;)

On another note, I'm preparing to finally paint the basement. I thought about it for a while and the paneling has to be painted. I'm going with a white-beige color. I think it will brighten things up a bit. I decided to also change my hours at Weekends, so at least I'll have one day off a week. I finally told them I'd like to do customer service, and the manager asked me if I had management experience (ie she's leaving and they are looking for someone new), but alas I already have a full-time job. I do have lots of customer service experience, and I manage my own classroom, but that's about it.

10 more days until I'm 28! YIKES!

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