Monday, October 03, 2005

Sang a solo in choir today

Today I went to choir and was conversing with a fellow friend and singer when our director asked me if I could sing a solo for one of the songs we were going to rehearse that night. I hadn't looked at the song (or even heard it before), and he taught us the solo in 2 minutes (there was another solo part at the same time as mine). I accidently came in a beat early the first session, but figured it out the second time. People said I have a really nice warm tone. It was a little nerve wracking but I think that's just because it took me off gaurd at first. That, and suddenly I'm getting this stuffed up nose thing that started just a few hours ago. I think it's allergies but I'm taking "Airborne" just to be safe. Anyway all went well, and I was really excited about it afterwards. This doesn't mean I'll always be singing it, but it was fun just the same. You think that being a vocal music major and a teacher of music that I wouldn't be nervous, but I was for at least a couple minutes. It just felt good to 'stick myself out there' and do pretty decently. I almost even miss singing for all the weddings that I had done in the past. Maybe I'll start up taking voice lessons again if I can afford it and have time. I could use a few pointers since I'm sure my voice has matured/ changed a bit since I last had lessons in college.

I just wanted to share this little tidbit. I know it's nothing exciting in the long-term scheme of things, but I felt good about it and wanted to share the news. I think I might even audition for it if given the chance :)

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