Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sex in the City

Yesterday I was a little down in the dumps for various reasons. I was just tired, cranky and a close friend of mine is out of town. I decided to take a nap when I awoke to a message being left on my answering machine. Apparently it was "Tom" from the Farmington Correctional Facility wanting to make a collect call. Obviously a wrong number, I proceeded to laugh really hard and watch the "Sex in the City" DVD's I bought after work. I decided I needed a pick-me-up so I bought them while doing errands. I then drank almost a bottle of wine watching all of Season 6. Nothing like some good cinema therapy to at least make the day bearable.

On another note I've been receiving calls out-of-the-blue from people I haven't conversed with in a bit. The most surprising one was hearing from my friend Tim in TX who is visiting St. Louis shortly. It was good to hear that he was doing ok, and the hurricane hadn't affected his area. It makes me wonder, how much more of an effort does it take to keep up with people who don't live even remotely close to you as compared to those who do but are really busy? I have a friend here in St. L that most of us haven't heard from in a year. Just a random thought.

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