Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Barely Oct, and I'm wearing down fast!

I can't believe it's almost October, says my brain, however my body is totally feeling it. I'm finally over the stomach thing and I have reason to believe my voice will be back to completely normal (sounds normal now, just tires easily) by the end of this week. I've been going to bed early and drinking tons of water, you'd think that would mean I'd feel more energized, yet I'm exhausted. It's only 530 and I'm forcing myself to stay up to even write this. I refuse to take a nap! Maybe I'm tired because my appetite left me these last few days. Maybe the kids are wearing me down (today was just madness!). I'm not sure, but I'd like to know where my energy is going.

Sometimes I feel like I'm running around in circles with no end in site. I think a good part of this is because I'm stressed with a particular situation I was not planning for until March 1. I don't want to go into it here, but needless to say it has me quite worried. Wheareas my part-time job was to help me pay off my bills finally, now it will be to 'just get by' again, and that scares me to no end. I'm going so far as to consider selling my house in the Spring. I've been feeling a need for change for a while, I just don't know what to do with it, or why exactly I'm feeling it.

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