Thursday, September 29, 2005

Skeet League is starting, which means I'm probably 'out' for a bit

Well today was a very strange day at the range. It will probably be one of the last times I visit the Maple Leaf Gun Club until another type of league begins. No more will there be the Thursday night ritual. :( My Dad of course invited me to come Thursday since they will most likely need an alternate, they say I shoot better than this other person, which is not saying much. I have definitely improved, but today I felt like I was almost starting from scratch. I needed a bit of coaching from my Dad, and then, bam I was back on track again. Wierd how that works, but I guess these people have been doing this since they were 10 and I'm still very much 'wet behind the ears.'

Unfortunately it means I'll probably lose a bit of what I learned, but maybe it'll give my brain some time to sink it all in. League is actually based on averages, so if I beat my average it would actually help the team, which is why I think they wouldn't mind having me on here and there. Besides, my Dad shoots on a team which goes for fun mostly, so they're usually around last place according to him. Anyway it means I won't be able to see my two favorite people as much, and give me time to de-stress, but there is always TKB class!

These next couple weeks will be an adjustment for me for various reasons. I can't wait to go to Camp again with the kids this year, it's definitely something I'm looking forward to. I need a little break from the routine, I can feel it. Well anyway, it's late. I was up doing chores, and felt like writing before bed. 'Night.

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