Sunday, September 18, 2005

I'd lose my head if it weren't attached :)

This past week and weekend were very very busy, but it was all fabulous. I am finding myself worn out, but in tremendously good spirits because of my close friends and family. I've had some somewhat bad news come my way, but I chose to be calm and compromise with the individual from whom the bad news came. All in all, I think we had a good discussion.

Friday I worked a few hours and purchased these screens to hide the litter box locations. I took Saturday and Sunday off for my various activities as follows, and what a GORGEOUS weekend it was! Saturday I went to finally pick up my contacts which had been at the Dr.'s for about 2 months. As I went to also finally get my tire fixed (it had a leak) from a camping trip two months ago, I did a bit of shopping. Unfortunately my car needed more than just a leak fixed, but I could see and hear the problems so I knew it wasn't just mindless additions. I then caught up with my roomie, and by that time I hurried to get ready for dinner and for ColdPlay. (I saw Rebecca on my way out of the concert, but she didn't recognize me with my hair, oh well.) I hadn't been to a concert at UMB, it was really nice to be there. The weather was gorgeous, the music fabulous, and a big full moon shone down on us to keep us company. Today I went to Dennis' surprise 30th b-day party, visited my parents and went to see 40 Year Old Virgin, which I recommend if you need a laugh.

I managed to get food poisoning or stomach flu Friday and really haven't recovered. Eating has not been fun so I'm going to the Dr. tommorow. I've had so much acid reflux that my voice is hoarse, and when things mess with my voice, I start to get paranoid. Wish me luck!

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