Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet... What?

Here we go now what? No, I'm not talking about THAT skeet. I'm talking about skeet shooting. While I seem to have reached a plateau (getting better at some points, worse in others), I think skeet shooting is FUN! I have two friends already who want to come with me. [Julie and Kate, my Dad said he would teach you on a 'slow' day we just have to arrange it (probably a Tuesday about 600p.)] Anyway, this Thursday my Dad is out of town so I'm on my own. I'm a little nervous, but the guys will help me (they never fail to give pointers :) and are patient with my faults because they know I'm new. I've only shot a gun 5 times in my life now, and I'm only up to about 15 rounds or so. It takes about 50k rounds to get good, if that tells you anything, so they all think I'm doing pretty well. I don't understand why I can no longer hit the easiest station, and I'm getting better at the others. Oh well what can you do?

I think I have several things to work on (which could probably be anyone): figuring out the lead with the timing at each station, swinging all the way through the shot (instead of stopping when I shoot), and making sure I'm not bring the gun's aim down to the target, but up to it (for some reason I kept doing that Monday). Lots to work on, what a fun new hobby. Wish I were better at it, sometimes it can be frustrating, but hey it's all guys so they don't care if I throw out a few explicatives because they do the same thing ahahahah!

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