Monday, September 19, 2005

A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. -Opening scene of "Faust"

I had the above quote in my email signature. Everytime I see it on a return email I forget that it was from a previous email from me. I found a new signature for my email, but took another second to reflect on this one before cutting it. As I was reading I thought, how true, a person does see the world based on what they are carring in their hearts. Despite the fact that I feel sick and worn down (already, I know), I am happy. I am very grateful for all the wonderful people that I have in my life, and grateful for all those who may someday be in my life. A particular person whom I've known only for a couple months has been showing me what happiness is simply by being in existence. I find myself being more patient at work, being on the whole more smiley, and I'd even say more outgoing and less shy with people I don't know as well. Yeah, me shy you say? Yes, I can be shy in certain situations. I'm not sure if it's because I'm more confident of myself at work or because I am more confident because of this person, but either way I find myself being someone I didn't even know existed and I'm loving it! I pray that I am able to recover from this evil bout of stomach upsets because it's really affecting my voice with acid reflux and all. But I pray even more that I continue on this path. I am so happy it's crazy! Thank you God, I love you!

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