As the music of my life continues, so will I be singing my song, while it lasts.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Another Year, Another Day
This new year I'm going to finish what I've started, and I've got a lot of change ahead of me. I have a huge decision to make very soon, and I've been thinking about it for about 2 months already and I still don't know what to do. I'm sure I'll know what to do when the time comes, I hope.
Anyway, if you're one of the people trying to make a resolution you should pay attention. I was in the Dr.'s office reading some type of medical article and it was discussing how people change. Basically if you set a resolution, that's great, but you need to reward yourself with some attainable motivational factor for it to stick. I could go through the rigamarole of the article, but the bottom line is, if you want to make change a habit, you basically have to give yourself treats like you would trying to train a dog new tricks.
Psychologists found that if you give yourself some type of reward for every time you do the behavior you are trying to incorporate or change (ie exercise), then you are more likely to continue to want to do that behavior. It has something to do with endorphins and some other chemicals in your brain that I can't remember. Here's an example, you shouldn't tell yourself that if you work out for a week, you'll get that new iPod or a pair of shoes or whatever. That's too far away. The best way to do it is something like, you get to have a piece of chocolate or go see a movie right away ...whatever would be a motivational factor for you to accomplish your goal. They weren't specific about what kind of rewards you should use (or maybe I didn't reach the end of the article before my apt... can't remember.)
Point is, treat yourself EVERY time you do the behavior you want so that your brain starts associating positive aspects with the new behavior to make you want to do it more. When it becomes habit, then maybe spread the rewards out, and eventually you can remove them all together. It's like having a star chart for good behavior as a kid. :) Good luck!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Apparently God decided I needed to rest.
On another note, I found out today that my group won the technology integrator project at my school. I can't believe it! All that hard work really paid off! I win an iPod for winning and a Smart board for completing the project. I'm soooo excited. I wish I could have been at work to be surprised by the head technology people.
Anyway, pray that my voice is fine after this rest. Not talking for me, is like being in prison, so some people would be enjoying the time away. Me I'm just trying to find things to do that don't involve talking. UGH.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"What does it mean to vote?"
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Spam-a-lot at the Fox
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Mid-Term Break and loving it!
On another note, I'm sooo jealous of TSU's new residence hall. Where was this when I was going to school?
Saturday, September 23, 2006
God's love and protection is shining down on me!
I then came home and had my mail from the last few days jammed in the mail slot of my door. I'm not sure what happens in the city, but I definitely don't get my mail every day, like I usually did in the house. Anyway I see a large envelope from the college, and I start to get nervous. I heard the scholarship results were being sent to everyone, but I hadn't heard any thing about my application yet. Turns out I was blessed with a VERY nice-sized scholarship! This is to be the biggest scholarship I've ever receieved. I feel so blessed to have been given what will end up covering my education expenses for 2 semsters of the school year! My Mom told me she thinks it's a sign that I'm going in the right direction, and I think I have to agree. All I can say, is "Wow, thanks God! You're awesome, thank you!"
On another note, my landlord's property managers were upstairs pounding away at putting a new door into my neighbor's balcony. Turns out that two people across the street be-friended her simply so they could scope out her apartment. They managed to climb to the second floor balcony and steal some of her electronic equipment. The wierd thing is-I saw the two of the three involved several times come over to 'hang-out.' They installed alarm equipment in her apartment, but I thought, hey, shouldn't the rest of us get them too? I was just very grateful once again, that God has been watching over me, and keeping me safe.
Well... I have a huge test to study for tommorow, and another clinical rotation. I better get back to studying.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Why do women friends 'disappear ' when in a relationship?
What it is in the female genome that says, "When I'm with a man, my women friends do not mean as much to me. I no longer need them for support and friendship, because my man will be the one and only person I need in my life?" I guess I don't get it. This happens whether a person is dating or married. Married people are sort of in a safety zone, but what if the person you are dating breaks up with you? Who will you go to? Why, your single friends of course. Or maybe even the rogue friend who even though she has been dating someone for a year still actually makes an effort to keep in contact with her friends.
I have been told by several people, that I'm the only girl they know that doesn't basically stop hanging out/ talking with their girl friends once in a relationship. Granted, I have been known to do the same thing, but at one point my s.o.'s friends also happened to interlap with mine, so I'm not sure that counts. Here's the scoop...
When I first moved back to St. Louis, I was in a relationship of 2 years (lasted for 3). I was still getting used to being back and not having all my friends from TSU around all the time. I realized I took it for granted that I could just walk to my friends' house/apartment/dorm or run into them every day just by being a college student. Regardless of one's status we hung out with all of our friends a good portion of the time, simply because they were around and many of them overlapped. Getting back to St. Louis, half a year rolled by before I realized I was missing something: My friends. A few were still in college so I had to wait for them to come back, but some were also back in St. Louis too. At that point I realized I needed to get back in to touch with my friends and make it a point to start over with them after college. I like my friends, I need friends in my life, so why wouldn't I try to reconnect?
Eventually, most people came back to St. Louis or near enough to it that we could meet every now and again, talk etc. Not everyone was married yet, and so life was good. I felt like I needed to explore being single before committing myself forever to someone else, and most of my friends were still open to being out and having fun on the weekends. But now, that most of them are married or in a relationship, it's like everyone has disappeared. They are so caught up in their lives that it seems they forgot about the people that were their support network before a man was in the picture. What has happened to us? Are we so dedicated to our men that we forget to be dedicated to ourselves? What is wrong with you thinking that your man is the only friend you need? What if you get divorced? What if you need to talk about having kids, when those come around someday? Don't wait until we are all in the baby club to realize women friends are needed in your life.
I woke up this morning feeling sad. I woke thinking, why aren't my friends calling me? Why do they only call (I shouldn't say only, because that negates the very few who do call on their own) after I have called them? Why do I feel like 98% of the time I'm the only person trying to set up a time to go out to lunch or dinner or whatever? Is it that people forget about their friends because it's not as convienant any more to be friends? You're not running into them every day at high school or college. You aren't working with them at your new job. You are not living in an area close to them, and even if you are, your still always too busy to make time for your friends.
I'm sorry, but my life is not complete without being close to the people I feel connected with. If I don't see my boyfriend for a day or so, even if it's because I'm studying, working or at school learning, I miss him. Do you miss your friends? Like any relationship, friendship invovles some amount of work now that it's not as convienant to remain friends. Why don't you feel it's important to take that one second out of your day on the way home from work just to give people a call? You already have to be in the car anyway, why not make it productive? Why not write an email asking how things are going? Why not throw a small party for the heck of it or call people to do lunch, dinner, movie or shopping? I haven't been shopping with a girl friend in years. What's wrong with this picture? (Well some of it was I worked at the mall, and hated going back there, but...)
To those of my friends who make the effort to remain friends, thank you. It means a lot, truly. To the rest of you, get on the ball! I hate to say it, but someone has to, and that person who has the 'outspoken crazy friend' job is usually left to me so... you should be used to me by now. Let's not lose our friendships because we are married, in a relationship, too busy to take time from our lives just to stop and hang out once in a while. We all have to eat, why not go out somewhere? No, I don't want to double date, I want to hang out with YOU. I met you WAY before you were your man's 'sidekick' so why would we make our men suffer through womanly conversations they don't understand or care about?
Do you ever see men give up their friendships, their social lives because they are with someone? Hell no! So why are you doing it? Do you think it's healthy to allow your life to be what your man's is? Do you think it's healthy to give up what you believe, think, and feel that might be different from what your man does? Do you think it's healthy to give up your friends? Because that is what your doing. I call, because I care, because talking about random topics brings people closer together. Calling someone, in my mind, does not have to have a specific purpose, if only it means I get to hear what my friends are feeling and thinking, even if it's about how 'so and so at work is making your life crazy.'
Moral is: Ladies, keep your friends in your lives. Make the effort to see them, call them, whatever. We are only here on earth for so long, why live our man's life? We need to be living our lives too!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Dear Lord, THANK YOU for helping me to have some serious burdens washed away!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I'm Back!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Moving Soon
Monday, July 31, 2006
On My Way
I only have 2 days left at my summer job!
Plans to attend school are in progress!
Hopefully I will be outta here soon, and on my way!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Getting Back to Normal
On Monday, I ran a bunch of errands including going to a salvage yard to get a new tail light because my car wouldn't pass inspection without it. I finally finished my scholarship application, and applied for a student loan should I need it. Eric and I cleaned the gutters and removed the big debris from the storm. Then I had to get my teeth cleaned, yeah, my second cavity ever :(
Today I went back to my summer job. I was soooo bored until my manager moved me over to Lancome for the night. I had a blast! Make-up is fun! All I can is, Mary Kay, has a long way to go if they want to catch up to their mascara among other products. I wish I would have been in cosmetics a long time ago like they mentioned when I was hired. Now there are a bunch of openings, and I'm leaving. Oh well. What can ya do?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
No electricity!
My subdivision in North County area looked like a war zone when I returned home from work on Wednesday night. I have no electricity, and there is nothing in my fridge because it's all been removed. Other than a zillion trees limbs and twigs, I luckily did not sustain any material damages. We were hit with yet another storm affecting mostly St. Charles and the North St. Louis area again on Friday. I was in the middle of getting a much delayed and needed chiropractic treatment when they lost power.
My only link to the 'outside world' is my cell phone, coworkers, and listening to KMOX 1120 am while in the car. It is estimated that while some have restored power, there are still 400,000 homes without electricity, at an estimated 2.5 million people.
I hope I can once again enjoy the modern convienances of life soon. Currently I'm at my parents' doing laundry because I won't have anything to wear for work if I don't. They are in South County and had power restored Friday. Incidently I left work earlier today to get it done or I'd be out of 'work' clothes.
On another note, I went to the the Journey/ Def Leopard concert last night. It was an awesome sold out show and we all braved the formidable sky despite the possiblity of another storm. I've also gotten back to my 'reading roots' as I've had nothing to two without electricity. All I can say is thank God I camp and have a camping light fan combo. Wal-mart is totally out of all useful electric camping supplies. I had to have a friend buy batteries in Chesterfield because no one in my area as power. It's pretty crazy. Nothing like waiting at McD's for 40 minutes just to eat! I've never seen fast food places so busy until recently. I guess at least I can cook on the stove (gas stove), and I hear the boil order is off in my area so the water is safe now.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Cars and the Environment
Things I learned:
Cars that are good for the environment based on pollution and gas guzzeling:
Honda Civic-Hybrid
Honda Insight
Toyota Prius
Ford Focus
Toyota Echo
Chevy Aveo
Worst Suv's:
Ford Expedition
Dodge Durango
Nissan Armada
Chevy Suburban
Things to do to help right now:
Recycle! (Plastic does not and will not ever decompose!)
Unplug things when you aren't using them, even if they are turned off they supposedly suck energy
If everyone replaced their current lightbulbs with the "Compact Floresant Bulb," it would be the same thing as taking 30 million cars off the road. It's a more expensive bub, but lasts a lot longer and cuts WAY down on energy costs (think lower UE bill.)
Friday, June 30, 2006
Camping/Float Trip
This year marked the 4th annual float trip with my friends. We decided to try the Current River, but ended up going to Jack's Fork River due to reservation constraints. It was a really fun time, and I hope to enjoy more in the future.
On the way back home, Eric and I explored the surrounding scenery by visiting the Round Spring and then did an impromtu visit of Saltpeter Cave now known as "Meramac Caverns." It was neat and eerie all at the same time. I had never really been in a cave and I'm just glad that at least my first experience was somewhat commercial so that when we hope to revisit the Round Spring cave, the non-commercial tour will be more exciting. I highly recommend a float trip. It's fun, not too expensive, and a good way to enjoy the company of friends.
Things I learned about the Round Spring: It is 55 ft deep (shown in picture) and pumps out about 25+ million gallons of water each year. The most recorded was something like 333 million gallons in one year.
Things I learned in the "Meramac Tavern:" It has a natural onyx area. Jesse James used it as part of his hide-out. The ballroom was originally used for square dancing and is the largest open area of the cave. Part of Lassie and Tom Sawyer were filmed there. A couple was given a 10 night stay prize and they 'lived' in the cave for 10 days (while the cave was still having tours) until they found a key planted by a game show (on the last day) where they won a real honeymoon. They have a stalagtite/stalagmite that grew so large it 'killed itself' and is starting to rust. It is about 25 million years old (I think.) A part of the cavern that was once underwater is known as the wine garden. The rock formations look like grape clusters. This area also has the 2nd largest table rock in the world. It is a type of rock that grew up from the bottom of the water and then formed it's own little island. It has four legs. Now it has to be supported by a beam to keep it standing (from age.) The 'Greatest Show Under the Earth" is a light display in an area where the rocks formed a kind of theater with the billion? year old rock formation (still 'alive'.) It was really hard to get pictures to show up well, so you should check it out :)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Living in a "Prison"
Truth be told, I enjoyed living here. Lots of space. Freedom to do what I want. No noise from apt. neighbors. Very close to work and places I need to be. What I didn't enjoy were prices going up (taxes, insurance) and things I had to fix unexpectedly along the way. It must be a rule in my life that I will never get ahead financially.
This month I was going to 'be ahead,' but no I get a speeding ticket on the way home and that was WITH actually following the signs. The guy pulled me over apparently because I didn't instantly slam on the breaks when it went from 65 to 45 in a very small area of road. He even followed me for the equivalent of a few blocks at the correct speed and then pulled me over. How rude! So there goes another amount to have it taken care of, among other things I need to pay for this month.
So, basically, I feel like I'm living in a prison. What is to be my time to recooperate before going full swing again in another month in a half, is going to be full-time work at a very not-so-exciting job. It's not bad if you like standing around, despearately waiting for a customer just for something to do. There are only so many times you can organize and clean.
In another way I'm almost insulted that I have to work two jobs, technically I have 3. I did the same amount of schooling another friend of mine did. She makes $90k and I will make much much much less than that this next year. I'm getting a pay cut, she'll probably be getting a pay raise. I will be getting paid the equivalent of a 2nd year salary, and I should be making the six year salary. I wish I really understood what my parents referred to as: you won't make a lot of money. I translated my choice to: I'll be happy, and I'll make enough to be comfortable. Every year I've had to worry about whether I'm going to be full time, and there is only so much a person can take. It's very disheartening in many many ways to realize that America does not value my job or education required to do my job enough for me to make a decent living. Most people do not realize what we really do and what our job entails. Our positions are not as cush-cush as most thing.
It's hard not to take it personally. I feel like a failure, very much I felt I had failed my whole life yesterday. So what I graduated, and have some things to show for it. But eeking by every day from check to check, and every year worrying about job status is not a stable experience.
God please let the house sell in time. I have to start moving on this Fall. I want things to change, I just need you to let me.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Botantical Gardens: Chihuly Exhibit

If you haven't already, you need to go see the "Glass in the Garden" exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. It runs until October 31, 2006. Today Eric and I went to see the exhbit, and all I can say it WOW! On my one day off this week, I'm very glad I decided to do something enlightening and relaxing. I took a ton of pictures, and thanks to my picture editor software, enhanced their quality (being that my digital camera is now in the archaic ages.) It runs about $10 per person during the day ($4 admission (for St. Louis residents) and an additional $6 for the exhibit in the Climatron.) You can also see the exhibt at night for $15.
Also, don't forget this week is the last week of Julius Ceasar from "Shakespeare in the Park." I saw that on the unexpectedly dry and cool night of Sunday past. Always a good idea for culture and closeness with friends.

Monday, June 12, 2006
Two Movies You Have to See
Friday, June 02, 2006
I'm Ready
I'm ready to find a place on my own to call home for a bit. I will not choose a temporary fix apartment; I want to choose something I could handle for a year or two while I get other areas of my life in order. Maybe I bought a home because my last apartment wasn't the greatest; it was cheap for the area. I wanted to do something on my own, something I thought would make me feel secure, with a fence for my dog. Well, she's gone now (ran away) and I'm moving on to a different chapter of my life.
I'm ready, let's go.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
What is Love?
Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes.
What does Love mean?
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?"
The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think :
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
Rebecca- age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
Chrissy - age 6
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
Terri - age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
Danny - age 7
Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss"
Emily - age 8
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,"
Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
Tommy - age 6
"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
Elaine-age 5
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford."
Chris - age 7
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4
"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
Lauren - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image)
Karen - age 7
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."
Mark - age 6
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
Jessica - age 8
And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Ou est ta mere?
She circled in place, like someone lost, and then walked off really fast. I had a feeling she was lost and couldn't find her parents, so I followed her as I tried to recall what little French I could. If you don't use it, next to never, it's hard to remember things out of no where without just staring and looking dumb. I saw her stop in women's fragrances and she started to cry. I finally remembed how to say mom, and muttered a pathetic "ta mere?" She noded and said she was with them toward whence she just came. Then she repeated, "le marque Polo et Ralph Lauren." I put two and two together and figured she came from men's (which looks totally different from where she was and it's really easy to get lost in the store even for adults) by the Ralph Lauren section. As we went back the other way she looked like she remembered where she came from, and voila, her parents were there. They looked so relieved to see her. I was relieved to help her find them. They said "Merci" and I couldn't even remember how to say "Your Welcome." Which I know remember as "Dorien."
5 minutes later I remembered "Pas du tout" (not at all) and "Pas De Probleme" which was what I ended up saying in English. 20 minutes later I finally remembered how to say "Ou (where) est ta mere?" instead of grunting out "ta mere? (your mom?)" I spent the car ride home trying to conjure up a lot of lost French. It would have been really handy if I could have remembered to say something like "Vous direz moi en Francais et j'assiste." This is probably like child-speak but "You tell me in French and I (will) help." (I can't even remember the correct future verb tense.) I couldn't think of the words, but I understood most of what she said.
I was just glad I was there to help. I was worried for what could have happened had she not run into someone who know barely some French, especially when she was heading towad the opposite direction of her parents. Having been lost in a foreign country myself (because I went down the wrong street in Germany) I understand how frustrating/ worrisome it is to be lost when you can't even ask for directions or get them back in a way you understand. This poor girl only knew how to say the word "French" as a response to our English questions. I wish I could have remembered more to be of more help at the time; I guess that's what happens when you are caught off guard and you haven't used a language in almost 10 years.
I still can't think of how to ask "Are you lost?" I can only conjure "Je cherche" (I find/look). Only twice have my conversational French skills been challenged and both a failure. C'est la vie.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
2 days left
On another note... 2 more days left of school! Tommorow is the Talent Show (made much easier thanks to my G5 mac and iTunes) and Field Day. Friday is a work day with the end-of-the-year luncheon. This year flew by fast. I hope the summer goes slow. At least I know now that I'll be .91 instead of .79 which helps alleviate a lot of financial stress.
Keep praying, I really need to sell the house.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
God was looking out for me today. I did SUPER at my second job for sales too :)
Thank you, if you prayed for me.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
I was thinking about how I have pretty much chosen to be isolate from the community in which I live. I live in a house close to work, that I bought and updated. At the time it was my pet project, but now I'm ready to move on. I have no desire to be tied down to a house that I once thought would bring me some sense of security. While I have not moved in three years, there are still uncertain increases in price with a home that would be almost the equivelant of rent going up at an apartment. While the tax credit is nice, I no longer desire to be tied down. I want out of the current world that I have built for myself. I no longer desire the dwelling of a home, but at least an apartment with laundry hook-ups or my own personal washer dryer included would be ok, I think. I no longer need or want the back yard. I've only moved up to an uncovered driveway so that's not much to boast about. So what, I'm a single girl with her own house. It's really not as uncommon as my parents led me to believe. Many of my teacher friends have their own houses, I'm just sure they don't have as much student loans following them around like I do.
Which reminds me, how is it fair that I can't get student loan forgiveness simply because I took out my student loan in 1996 as opposed to 1998 when my school will be labeled as low-income next year? Another random reason why I'm disgruntled with 'my world.'
I never planned for an escape route after choosing a stable, secure plan for college, for living, for life. I did not fully prepare for a major change as what I'm currently undertaking. In the back of my mind I always knew this to be a possibility, but I never thought it would come to fruition. I can't go back or change my decisions, I can only deal with the cards I chose to be 'hit' with or the ones I chose to keep or toss.
My world is a wild zoo yet to be finished-- with clear cut paths on roads already accomplished and dirt trails emerging toward places yet to be discovered. I have so much occuring in my life, it's almost ridiculous. It's not anything I can't handle, just sometimes I allow it to overwhelm me and I feel like I can't handle it. I'm not sure if it's coincidence, but my body is worn down and I'm always getting headaches where I hadn't ever had much of problem with these before. I guess that's because I really do need to see the chiropractor; an adjustment and massage would do me good. I'm sure I can hold out till Friday, it's already been at least a month. Do you ever realize that if you follow through with things on a consistent basis you forget how you were benefitting or why you were doing it to begin with? I mean I don't really start to notice my spinal disalignments until I'm not adjusted for a long period of time, and life's wear and tears start wearing and tearing on me just that much harder. Interesting.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
And so it begins...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
All Done, Time to Relax!
***I'm very much glad that tonight was my last concert! The kids were great, and earned yet another standing ovation (Yeah!) ***
***My open house is Sunday. Please pray that I get some reasonable offers on the house, I really would love to be out of here by June sometime. Check out the Riverfront Times for more information.***
***One more month of school!***
***Pray that the possibility of a full-time position becomes reality when they have their next principal's meeting.***
***One more month until the lease is up!!!!!!!!!***
***Summertime job acquired (start next week). Graduate Classes arranged. Mini-Vacation in-the-works. 10 year high school reunion coming up.***
Monday, April 24, 2006
Odd Happenings
Anyway, he leaves, Katie and I jump in our cars, and as I'm pulling around to leave she waves me over. Turns out someone had busted out her ignition. We later found her xm radio stolen, her cd's gone, and the door handle was cleverly broken underneath the handle. We called the cops, twice. Once to report the incident. The second to actually report the stolen items discovered later. We believe the perpertrators were almost caught by the other people leaving earlier before us and therefore they missed a good portion of the other goodies they could have removed like the sub, and the woofers, and the custom mods under the hood etc. Good thing that the microchip shut down the ignition; at least it works like it says it does.
Kate called her insurance, husband, family, tow company. She has a report number with the police who didn't even come out to do the report! HOW RUDE! It was all over the phone. Sure, they'll come over for my ex-roommates' stolen license plate, but not an attempted theft of a car with actual valuables missing inside and damage done?
The ironic thing is our director asked us if we were ok,; I guess we spoke too soon. At least we were speaking at all, and I was around to wait for reinforcements. What if we hadn't chatted and I left already or our director left too? I guess idol chatter can be good for something, even if just to pass the time in crisis. I just hope things get situated for Kate and Dennis.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Journey to the Planet Earth
I just keep thinking this everytime I almost throw away a aluminum can has the ability to power a tv for 3 hours.
Friday, April 14, 2006
90 Degrees and Loving It!
I wouldn't say that I'm less stressed about the impending changes occuring within the next few months, however, my status is I'm leaving the worrying up to God and giving it to Him. My dreams are reflecting my sense of worry and anxiousness, but at least I was able to put that energy into cleaning and yard work. Somehow, some days doing those things makes me feel good. I'm still anxious, but I try to get by and do what I can to keep busy.
I went to my parents' house last night to visit and give my Mom her MK order. She was showing me all her gardening adventures and the latest and greatest improvements to the house which is starting to look less like a Spec home by the minute. It's about time we had colors beside white on every wall! I talked with my Grammie and she was reminising about how we were best friends when I was a kid. I told her yeah, I remember. How could I ever forget? She is like a Mom who is also your friend. She's always trying to give me stuff though, and I try to tell her I don't need or want it. I did allow her to give me a candle for my house, so as not to hurt her feelings. It never fails, every time I saw her as a kid she bought me things, and she still tries to do that now. I said, "Just because I'm visiting doesn't mean I deserve any gift or money, Grams. I just wanted to say hello and see how you were." Grams, "I know, that's why I like doing it." I think my Grandma would give me the world if it was hers to give. I'm not sure why. We've always been close. I think she will like having me around if I end up moving back home. I'd like being around just for that reason.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Shelf Life
Basically, eye color (3 years max) seems to last the longest while mascara lasts the least amount of time safely (4 months). Hint: Don't Use your mascara comb like a pump, instead turn it to renew the color or remove excess. Moving it up and down only drys your mascara faster.
Monday, April 10, 2006
I should stop worrying so much...
I did a few calculations, summated all my decisions in my brain and twenty minutes after the email decided to sign my contract. I haven't lost faith in teaching just yet, and I trust God to take me where I need to go. If He feels I need to live at my parents working .79 and going to school then so be it. If He wants me to be full time, living on my own or whatever, going to school then that's fine too. I'm not ready to start over in my job placement again. I have no desire to be at any other school.
I still feel that little 'what if' in my head when I look back at my first job, but I know the that success the current teacher is having, has a lot to do with what I put into place my first three years there. Heck, she is still carrying over some traditions I started as evidenced by the concert schedule. The program is growing as I expected, and I'm very happy for my once freshman/sophomores who are juniors/seniors making I's in solo and ensemble. Should I tell the new teacher "Thank you?" I don't know. I've kept out of being around on purpose, so the program could truly be remade. It's on it's way, and I have to think I had something to do with it. My passion for music paved the way, I even left a good deal of resources to encourage and foster the program's growth, which is more than I can say was left me. The people I was 'at arms' with are now gone and the majority of hard work done, which will pave the way to a brighter tommorow for the students. Good for them ;)
Things are hopefully looking up, keep the prayers going, because it's not over yet, not by a long shot.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
G is for Good
Cholesterol total: 147 (should be less than 200)
LDL, bad cholesterol: 68 (should be less than 130)
HDL, good cholesterol: 72 (you should have 40 or more, the more the better in this category)
Triglycerides (blood fats): 34 (the higher the number, the more likely you will develop clogged arteries, should be less than 150)
It makes me feel great to hear the recommendation levels on the bottom of the page: "Continue with your same diet and exercise program." So take that! Goooo South Beach!
Do you know what your levels are? (This is my public service announcement for the year :)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Guess what? I don't have TB!
In other news, I just got my teaching contract today for next year. It's pretty crazy that they want our response in less than a month, especially when I'd be taking a 9k pay cut because of decreased enrollement. They aren't sure if a traveling position will be open or if we can officially fill the missing classes by doing Title 1 tutoring or some other duty. It's a tough call... I'd basically be going back to my 2nd year teacher salary. I'm barely making it on my current salary, let alone afford a cut. Happiness at a job means a lot, but I'm not sure if I can afford this cut, unless I officially move in with the parents.
A friend of mine officially broke up with her boyfriend to whom she was previously engaged. She is selling her condo with him, and was planning on purchasing a place. We would then plan to be roommates, and I could live cheaper than I am now, with someone I know to be a good and normal person, and still have the same 'luxeries' I do now (by luxury I mean doing my own laundry at home, having a place to park, my own room, a back yard, close to work, freedom to do just about whatever...etc.) She doesn't know what she is going to do because her contract went even smaller than mine. I know she will look for a new job if there are no opportunities to be full-time. I on the other hand I'm not sure what I'll do.
I want to stay because I like where I am. I'm not prepared to start another job in teaching again. I at least will not be going to another school district; I'll say that much. I'm leaning toward signing the contract and hoping for the best. I want to double check about my benefits still being in place. But I will most likely stay. I will have 80 minutes less teaching time every day, which means I could be coming in later or leaving earlier. I could use that time to study or make it a point to exercise, but I'd definitely have to live with my parents.
It's not so much my parents that are my concern. My concern is living across from my brother. My brother is in a world of his own suffering from constant diabetes problems, memory loss due to seizures, and mood swings. In the past, I would have had the entire upstairs to myself. Wheras now, my Grandma also lives there in my brother's old room. I really wish the basement were even partially finished. Enough for a big bedroom with a small study area, a living room area, and a full bathroom. If/When I move back I'll take the upstairs bedroom (my old one) and sweat to death in the summer b/c my brother won't keep the air on (supposedly he says he will keep it on for me, and if not then maybe he'll consider switching rooms which btw are both the same size only one has an extra closet (mine).) I'll then set up shop in my mom's study that she used for her Master's and have a little living room in the basement.
The other concern is the 45 minute (all traffic!) drive every day to work. If I so much as left 15 minutes later to go to HS. It took me an hour just to get to Webster Groves. I'm worried what it would be like to get to No. Co. every day from really far South, So. Co. What if I forget a book or a paper? I can't run down and grab it. (Maybe my Grams could help, but she has a life too.) It's all a matter of finances vs. mental health. Right now I lean toward mental health. I have a feeling that if I just trust God, my job will work itself out. I'm also going to look into being a PCT at the hospital, it won't pay as much probably, but I'd get tuition reimbursement.
Just craziness. Uncertainty is good sometimes, but when it comes to money and jobs and life decisions it's really stressing.
PS .... I would post my house listing to advertise but I don't want random people knowing where I live. So far just as of yesterday 38 people looked at my house online. Keep praying, I need it!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Goodbye house!
All my hoops are mostly complete for school. I completed the Financial Aid visit Monday. I passed my recert for Healthcare Provider CPR. I went and got my drug screening. I went to the Dr. today for my required physical, I even had my cholesteral checked. All I have to do is make copies of the my card when I get it, and send these things in. Yeah!
Everything would be great, other than my roommate not bothering to read my post-it notes reminding her of what is up. I even sent her an email and gave her a free card to go get a relaxing massage. I just don't understand why someone would be wierd about me cleaning the house for them. I should start a whole new blog just for this segment of my life alone entitled, Wierd Roomate Stories.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I passed. I didn't like my teacher (neither did my partner), and wished I was in the lady instructor's group because that's who I had last time two years ago. This guy acted like if you asked a question because you were confused with the video something was wrong with you. Seriously, don't be a teacher if you are going to make someone feel dumb for asking questions and then say "feel free to ask me anything, that's why I'm here." For example: Me: "So are we supposed to give one minute of CPR first to both adults and children and then get help if no one is there, or should we get help first?" Him: "Well what did the video say?" Me: "It wasn't particularily clear what one should do if someone wasn't there (for adults) for you to ask them to call 911, whereas the child's was, which is why I ask." Him: "Well what was the chain of survival for the adult?" Me: "Early Access." Him: "What about the child then?" Me: "Early CPR" Him: "Well there's your answer then." He basically picked on anyone who made one mistake and made a big deal about it. I'm sorry I've only taken CPR twice (this being the 2nd time), if I or the other students forget something, don't treat us like dummies, help us fix the situation instead of belittling us. He was very humilating for all of the girls in our group. He left the guys alone because there was a fire-fighter and a army person. How Rude! We came here to learn, not to be treated like crap, with a smile. Glad that's done. Next time I take it, I'm making sure I'm in the group with the woman instructor.
Sorry. I guess being a teacher it irks me when other teachers do their job poorly. I understand having a bad day, because certainly I have those too. At least I try to be patient, instead of rolling my eyes at another student while the one having trouble is confused. There was another girl who was obviously "English as a Second Language." She had never taken CPR before and needed extra help. He treated her very poorly (using raised voice sometimes, rolling eyes toward me etc.), she's translating everything you say, at least give her time to figure it out and walk her through it, everyone learns differently. I should have written this on the comment form, but instead I just gave lower scores for the instruction because I didn't want to be 'picked out from the crowd'.
Anyway, I'm going to be being my packing adventures today. Anyone else think the snow is crazy? First day of Spring and it snows. All those poor daffodil flowers will die now, bummer. Not sure why, but once the snow started my sinuses went hay wire. I even lost my voice for a few hours last night. Strange. I haven't reacted to weather changes like that in a LONG time.
I know I don't sound poetic or exciting or even really informative lately, but that's just how it goes. By the way, the movie called "Winter Solstice" is not worth your time. I rarely fall asleep during a movie, but this one almost had no plot.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Enough already!
That's all I could think about this morning. It's my Spring Break darn it, and I really didn't want to be spending two of my days singing for this Gregorian Chant concert. It's cool, it was fun, might actually be fun tonight and tommorow, but now it's just old for me. I'll be very happy when we are done. You think I'd be excited to have a big solo part in this thing, but quite honestly I'd rather be getting ready to move or playing around with friends. Have you ever just been forced to be 'on' all the time, and you get to a point where you can't take it anymore and need a break? That's me right now. UGH!
Now that I'm done whining and complaining here's the news of my exciting journey through life. Monday I'm meeing with Financial Aid and taking CPR at Meramac. The rest of the week will be spent getting my house ready to go on the market. I'll be moving some things over to the parental's house and making it look like no one really lives here. I'm not really sure what to do with the roomie other than remind her the house will be on display, which I already mentioned two weeks ago.
As for my current job, I'm being rehired at .79 for sure (we lost some sections) and that means I'll end up traveling again probably, if the option is there. I'm not sure what I'm doing with this yet, other than since I'll be moving back home, as long as this ensures I can leave early (since I won't be teaching) and still get full benefits, I can handle the decrese in pay. On the other hand since I'm taking more college grad credits, maybe I'll have enough to bump up a salary schedule by next year. Depends on what I have time to do. For nursing school, I have to jump through all these hoops before they'll let me register. They are requiring a lot more than Maryville did, ie a drug test, fun fun.
Anyway, that's it for now. This post was mostly random junk, but read if you will my random, unexciting ramblings for the day.
Friday, March 10, 2006
3 more days!
On another note, I got home today and the neigbhor is selling their house too. I hope that doesn't look bad for me, however, my house is better kempt and has a bit more to offer :) (ie finished basement, wood burning stove, 3 bedrooms, a covered deck, nice landscaping, hard wood floors underneath the carpet, lots of exterior updates, I could go on etc.)
Four more school days until our concert. 7 days until 'the big solo' as "Chastity." One more week until Spring Break!!!! Two more weeks until my house is on the market!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Wicked and Son of a Witch
I miss reading so much that when I return the book to the library (due today), I'll have to find another one. I almost forgot how I really enjoyed reading, espeically for fun. My problem usually stems from the question of what to read. Having been told what to read for most of my life (especially from all those high-school summer reading requirements about women's struggles etc.), it's hard to know what are valuable books and are also very interesting to me in the fiction sense. I wish I could find a list of quality fictions books of all types (not just the classics) from which to choose for my reading pleasure. I am sometimes overwhelmed at the infinite possibilities, even at my teeny-tiny library off "The Rock Rd".
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Coming soon.....
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Beach Update
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Back to School!
In the meantime wish me luck! I have to go through a bunch of hoops to get everything going, and I'm also planning on selling the house! Mucho prayer is needed if you are of the praying sort.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Back to the Beach
On the other hand I'm noticed a bit of dizziness when I start to get hungry again, so I'm thinking I need to up my eating of the 2 recommended the quiche cups to maybe 3.
Here's one recipie I thought very strange at first (by looking at the ingredients). Who knew ricotta cheese could be a dessert?:
1/2 cup part skim ricotta cheese
1/2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 pkg sugar substitute (splenda)
Dash expresso powder (I couldn't find this at the store so I used cinnamon)
5 mini chocolate chips (I guess they let us cheat with this one)
Mix it up and eat. YUM!
Since I had Mahi Mahi around, I substuted this recipie for the salmon and it was YUM too!
1 pc of Mahi Mahi
2 tsp e.v. olive oil
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
Pinch Pepper
2 Cloves Garlic Minced
2 tsp Rosemary Leaves
Mix up the ingredients and brush onto fish. Broil at 350 until done.
Monday, February 20, 2006
"What to do?" and other things
As I'm approching March I'm trying to get my life's decisions in order. First I need to find out what is going on with my application to Nursing School. Second, I need to put the house on the market. Third, I need to decide if I want to attempt living with the parental units or try to find a cheap place on my own. On the fourth, topic I can do nothing but wait and see (I'll tell you more later.)
So tommorow I HOPE to call the college and figure out the status of my application (I know they have everything, I just need to know when I'll find out the big question.) Then I need to get in touch with my Realtor and get my house market ready in the next couple weeks. The third factor depends on several things: Am I going back to school? What will happen with the forth topic? Am I willing to give up some freedoms to save a lot of money so I can get back on track a lot faster?
My leanings (ambitions) include: Yes, I'll be going back to school; Yes, I will sell the house. Yes, I will attempt to live with the parents for at least for a semester; Yes, my current situation in the fourth topic will change in some direction.
Random Facts I learned today:
You know that 5 second rule when you drop food? You should scratch it, especially if the item is wet/sticky. Studies show you can pick up MAJOR bacteria.
The sidewalk is cleaner (bacteria-wise) than your kitchen floor at home.
The average family brings about 3 lbs of dirt in their home each year.
A dog's mouth is NOT cleaner than a humans', however, both a human and dog mouth have a slight antiseptic property (slight being key.)
Friday, February 17, 2006
Ordo Virtutum
Hildegard von Bingen’s Ordo Virtutum
Saturday, March 18 at 8:00 pm and Sunday March 19 at 2:00 pm
Presented by the Saint Louis Women’s Chorale
Under the direction of Scott Schoonover
Tickets are available at the door. Adults – $15, Students and Seniors – $13.
Directions - From Highway 64/40 east or west, exit north onto
The “Play of the Virtues” - The story of the Ordo Virtutum is simple. A Soul, still imprisoned in the human body she must wear on her journey through life, presents herself to the Virtues to be accepted into heaven. But the Virtues offer no easy transformation. All they can promise is their help in fighting the temptations of the world through which the Soul must still pass. Disappointed, the Soul feels she can no longer resist the world’s blandishments, and leaves in the company of the ever-present Devil. The Virtues mourn her defection but find strength in their ability to work together to the glory of God. When the Soul returns, besmirched but penitent, they accept her back, and together they help her conquer the Devil.
The music for the Ordo Virtutum is closely connected with the Latin text. Hildegard uses different tones, modes and melodic treatments to represent various virtues, vices and emotions. There is a vibrant connection between the emotional imagery and the expressive melodies in this moving work that goes far beyond its origins as a morality play to become a spiritual celebration of goodness and life – all within the confines of the plainchant style.
The Composer - Hildegard von Bingen was an extraordinary person. A 12th century visionary, poet, composer, prophetess, theologian, natural scientist, prolific writer and administrator, Hildegard was consulted by bishops, emperors, and even popes, on both secular and sacred matters. Born in 1098, Hildegard entered the convent at the age of eight. She eventually became abbess and started her own monastery in the
The St. Louis Women’s Chorale was founded in 1995 to create a community of women dedicated to performing music by, for, and about women. Our mission is the performance of quality repertoire for women’s voices. As American women in the 21st century, we have a voice unlike any in history. Through participation in the St. Louis Women’s Chorale, women have the opportunity to find and experience the power of their own voices and to let those voices be heard in
***I am one of the soloists (Chastity) in this performance and am also one of 12 of the small ensemble of singers (the virtues) from the bigger choir. Come and see us! Here's the translation if you want the full story.***
Friday, February 10, 2006
Four Things
Four Random Jobs I've Had:
1. McDonald's Crew Trainer
2. Certified Nurse's Aide
3. Candy Vendor (only lasted one day, it was awful)
4. Librarian Assistant
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Ever After
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. Down With Love
4. Love Actually
Four Places I've Lived:
1. Chicago, IL (don't remember it)
2. Every county in St. Louis but the City (So Co, West Co, No. Co)
3. Kirksville, MO (college)
4. Highridge, MO (as a kid)
Four TV Shoes I Love:
1. Family Guy
2. Sex and the City
3. Days of Our Lives
4. Charmed
Four Places I've Vacationed:
1. San Antonio, TX
2. Europe (Munich, Salzburg, Budapest)
3. Nashville, TN
4. Bahamas (Forgot which island)
Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1. Salad as mentioned earlier
2. Hummus with Pita as mentioned earlier
3. Duck Wraps as made by Eric
4. Curry Dish that I make
Four Places I'd Rather Be:
1. Anywhere Warm
2. Anywhere in Europe
3. Getting the super deluxe Spa Treatment on a Remote Tropical Island
4. An Irish Pub in Ireland
I'm too lazy to link to any blogs I tag, how about everyone on the links list.
On another note:
My latest (can't live without trying at least once) discovery at Trader Joe's:
Imported Tiramisu Gelato
Absof-inglutely delicious!!!!!!!!
Don't want to pay to eat out, but want the taste? Other things to try there that I recommend:
Portobello Mushroom Ravioli (with Italian Sausage Sauce), Shepherd's Pie, Frugal Ordinary Joe Beer, Chimchanga, Eggplant Cutlets, Mushroom Soup (frozen), Thai Pad (frozen bowl), Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, Hot Fresh Salsa, Living Lettuce (and Chicken that goes with it) Wrap, Papaya Mango Juice....
Add your recommendations to my comment list so I can try some things I haven't discovered yet.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Really, Why is it that when it rains it pours?
It's not that I have to have major security, but a little would be nice. Apparently I'm due for a 'life change' once again. I'm probably moving, maybe going back to school, maybe I'll be stuck back at my parents; I have NO idea where I'm going. I guess I just have keep on doing my best (whatever that is) and rely on God to take me where I'm supposed to go. Madness, I tell you, just madness.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Dancing with Fred

Dancing with Fred Bird

The Cardinals came to my school to promote healthy habits. Fred Bird went around and chose people to dance etc. I really couldn't see what he was doing, so I tried to copy his last move and just be goofy. Incidently the song was "Can't Touch This," by MC Hammer. After my face turned about 10 shades of red, I figured I would be silly and go with the flow so the kids could have a laugh.