Tuesday, April 04, 2006

G is for Good

With all this talk today about fractional positions, electives being cut at the middle schools etc, I was glad to come home, check the mail, and find my results from my cholesteral levels to be very good. (At least I can have some ounce of good news, however small.) I guess since heart disease runs in my family, I have to start getting these things checked. So for your enjoyment, I leave you with my cholesteral test results. It's really, that exciting ahahahah :)

Cholesterol total: 147 (should be less than 200)

LDL, bad cholesterol: 68 (should be less than 130)

HDL, good cholesterol: 72 (you should have 40 or more, the more the better in this category)

Triglycerides (blood fats): 34 (the higher the number, the more likely you will develop clogged arteries, should be less than 150)

It makes me feel great to hear the recommendation levels on the bottom of the page: "Continue with your same diet and exercise program." So take that! Goooo South Beach!

Do you know what your levels are? (This is my public service announcement for the year :)

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