Wednesday, April 26, 2006

All Done, Time to Relax!

Random Update

***I'm very much glad that tonight was my last concert! The kids were great, and earned yet another standing ovation (Yeah!) ***

***My open house is Sunday. Please pray that I get some reasonable offers on the house, I really would love to be out of here by June sometime. Check out the Riverfront Times for more information.***

***One more month of school!***

***Pray that the possibility of a full-time position becomes reality when they have their next principal's meeting.***

***One more month until the lease is up!!!!!!!!!***

***Summertime job acquired (start next week). Graduate Classes arranged. Mini-Vacation in-the-works. 10 year high school reunion coming up.***

Yeah, I know it's boring, but it's nice to cross things off one's 'to-do' list of life. Pbbt :)

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