Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Journey to the Planet Earth

Today after watching the usual Tuesday shows, I saw a program on PBS called "Journey to the Planet Earth." It is very depressing hearing about the state of our planet. Basically many of animals will be extinct in our life time, no joke! After having the recycling assembly at school last week and the bird santuary visit today, I decided I definitely need to make more of an effort to make sure at least my paper and aluminum get recycled. I have recycling facilities at school and so I have no excuse not to recycle at home (I already do at school). I wish I had curb side recycling like I did in Kirksville. So when I get paid I'm buying two additional trash cans to collect paper and aluminum to take to school.

I just keep thinking this everytime I almost throw away a can...one aluminum can has the ability to power a tv for 3 hours.

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