Friday, April 14, 2006

90 Degrees and Loving It!

Wow, this week's weather has been amazing! Today it is all the way up to 90 degrees (F)! I refuse to turn the a/c on because it's too early for that, and I'm enjoying the warm weather. Nothing like cleaning your house and doing yard work on your day off. I'm treating today like Sunday. Nothing like using the bag on a push-it-yourself mower. The hills in my front hard are killer with the bag, but I wanted it to get the rest of any left over Fall leaves etc. since my house is on sale.

I wouldn't say that I'm less stressed about the impending changes occuring within the next few months, however, my status is I'm leaving the worrying up to God and giving it to Him. My dreams are reflecting my sense of worry and anxiousness, but at least I was able to put that energy into cleaning and yard work. Somehow, some days doing those things makes me feel good. I'm still anxious, but I try to get by and do what I can to keep busy.

I went to my parents' house last night to visit and give my Mom her MK order. She was showing me all her gardening adventures and the latest and greatest improvements to the house which is starting to look less like a Spec home by the minute. It's about time we had colors beside white on every wall! I talked with my Grammie and she was reminising about how we were best friends when I was a kid. I told her yeah, I remember. How could I ever forget? She is like a Mom who is also your friend. She's always trying to give me stuff though, and I try to tell her I don't need or want it. I did allow her to give me a candle for my house, so as not to hurt her feelings. It never fails, every time I saw her as a kid she bought me things, and she still tries to do that now. I said, "Just because I'm visiting doesn't mean I deserve any gift or money, Grams. I just wanted to say hello and see how you were." Grams, "I know, that's why I like doing it." I think my Grandma would give me the world if it was hers to give. I'm not sure why. We've always been close. I think she will like having me around if I end up moving back home. I'd like being around just for that reason.

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