Monday, April 10, 2006

I should stop worrying so much...

I have so much stuff going on it's been madness in my mind, as I'm sure you've noticed. Somehow today I felt like God was bringing me a little bit o' peace. After staying up Sunday and putting my applications out for PCT as a possible job alternative, I decided during my plan time today at school what to do with the job situation. I was already leaning in one direction to begin with, I guess I needed a little nudge. That little nudge was just my secretary asking if I had turned in my contract yet. She wanted to make sure she didn't lose it, or that I hadn't forgotten it was due. I replied with a 'not yet.'

I did a few calculations, summated all my decisions in my brain and twenty minutes after the email decided to sign my contract. I haven't lost faith in teaching just yet, and I trust God to take me where I need to go. If He feels I need to live at my parents working .79 and going to school then so be it. If He wants me to be full time, living on my own or whatever, going to school then that's fine too. I'm not ready to start over in my job placement again. I have no desire to be at any other school.

I still feel that little 'what if' in my head when I look back at my first job, but I know the that success the current teacher is having, has a lot to do with what I put into place my first three years there. Heck, she is still carrying over some traditions I started as evidenced by the concert schedule. The program is growing as I expected, and I'm very happy for my once freshman/sophomores who are juniors/seniors making I's in solo and ensemble. Should I tell the new teacher "Thank you?" I don't know. I've kept out of being around on purpose, so the program could truly be remade. It's on it's way, and I have to think I had something to do with it. My passion for music paved the way, I even left a good deal of resources to encourage and foster the program's growth, which is more than I can say was left me. The people I was 'at arms' with are now gone and the majority of hard work done, which will pave the way to a brighter tommorow for the students. Good for them ;)

Things are hopefully looking up, keep the prayers going, because it's not over yet, not by a long shot.

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