Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And so it begins...

I started training today for my part-time position. I think the job will be very interesting. I'm already scheduled for a fair amount of hours. At least it's all perfect timing, because I'll need to start making up for the shortage of not having a roommate by the end of this month. However, I'd rather work than continue my current situation past the original agreement. *I still have no clue what will happen with my full-time job, but prospects continue to look good for full-time employment as opposed to the original fractional number I was given. Hopefully I will know more when this month comes more into play. *Eric and I are going stronger with each passing day. It's hard to believe that I actually found someone who seems to really fit me well and vice versa. When we met, we both had the same position that we would end up being single 'forever' and had given up hope of really finding anything meaningful. I guess we were wrong. It's hard to believe it's been almost 8 months since we started dating. *As for the open house last Sunday, I understand it to be a 'bust' as it rained off and on most of the time. I'm sure I'll be having another one soon. I really would like to be out of the house. The sooner the better (of course not until May 31.)

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