Wednesday, May 24, 2006

2 days left

Today I went to my 'other school' to get some things and clean up. Originally they told us not to come becuase of the Variety Show, but I hadn't seen them last week and I wanted to say goodbye. It's hard to say goodbye to a great set of K'ers who don't want to go home because they know it's the last time we'll have class together. Some kids I'm glad to see move on to middle school or another school, but for whatever reason, this class really bonded with me, and I with them. They'll be in 1st grade next year, but I'll be teaching K again to the new kids on the block. I hope I get lucky with another great set of kids over there. This class was why I became a teacher. :)

On another note... 2 more days left of school! Tommorow is the Talent Show (made much easier thanks to my G5 mac and iTunes) and Field Day. Friday is a work day with the end-of-the-year luncheon. This year flew by fast. I hope the summer goes slow. At least I know now that I'll be .91 instead of .79 which helps alleviate a lot of financial stress.

Keep praying, I really need to sell the house.

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