Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getting Back to Normal

The power finally came back on on Sunday. What a relief! I was not having a good Saturday and getting electricity was a happy surprise. As of Monday, my friend, Brie, still did not have power. On Saturday I took care of some business at my parents, one of which was to find out the bank put my money in the wrong account (luckily a number that didn't exist) and I had to wait two days to get it back. I was stressed!

On Monday, I ran a bunch of errands including going to a salvage yard to get a new tail light because my car wouldn't pass inspection without it. I finally finished my scholarship application, and applied for a student loan should I need it. Eric and I cleaned the gutters and removed the big debris from the storm. Then I had to get my teeth cleaned, yeah, my second cavity ever :(

Today I went back to my summer job. I was soooo bored until my manager moved me over to Lancome for the night. I had a blast! Make-up is fun! All I can is, Mary Kay, has a long way to go if they want to catch up to their mascara among other products. I wish I would have been in cosmetics a long time ago like they mentioned when I was hired. Now there are a bunch of openings, and I'm leaving. Oh well. What can ya do?

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