Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cars and the Environment

I was watching Opera a few weeks ago and they were discussing environmental concerns. Global warming is real, and we need to wake up. Alledgly, America is only 5% of the population but we are the main cause of global warming.

Things I learned:

Cars that are good for the environment based on pollution and gas guzzeling:
Honda Civic-Hybrid
Honda Insight
Toyota Prius
Ford Focus
Toyota Echo
Chevy Aveo

Worst Suv's:
Ford Expedition
Dodge Durango
Nissan Armada
Chevy Suburban

Things to do to help right now:
Recycle! (Plastic does not and will not ever decompose!)
Unplug things when you aren't using them, even if they are turned off they supposedly suck energy
If everyone replaced their current lightbulbs with the "Compact Floresant Bulb," it would be the same thing as taking 30 million cars off the road. It's a more expensive bub, but lasts a lot longer and cuts WAY down on energy costs (think lower UE bill.)

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