Saturday, March 18, 2006

Enough already!

This last week was CRAZY! I found myself venting to Eric today, simply because I was sick of being a slave to my own life. I was feeling trapped and stuck and that just makes me want to scream sometimes. Everyday this week I had to be at school early and at least two days I stayed late. I had two extra rehearsals during the week for this choir performance today and tommorow, one of which was right after one of my big student concerts (of which we got a standing ovation). Then I had to go to another one today because he didn't feel we were prepared. Honestly I kept making mistakes because I'm BORED of singing the same thing over and over because 12 of us can't figure out how to sing in unison. Anytime I messed up was because I zoned out and wanted to go home.

That's all I could think about this morning. It's my Spring Break darn it, and I really didn't want to be spending two of my days singing for this Gregorian Chant concert. It's cool, it was fun, might actually be fun tonight and tommorow, but now it's just old for me. I'll be very happy when we are done. You think I'd be excited to have a big solo part in this thing, but quite honestly I'd rather be getting ready to move or playing around with friends. Have you ever just been forced to be 'on' all the time, and you get to a point where you can't take it anymore and need a break? That's me right now. UGH!

Now that I'm done whining and complaining here's the news of my exciting journey through life. Monday I'm meeing with Financial Aid and taking CPR at Meramac. The rest of the week will be spent getting my house ready to go on the market. I'll be moving some things over to the parental's house and making it look like no one really lives here. I'm not really sure what to do with the roomie other than remind her the house will be on display, which I already mentioned two weeks ago.

As for my current job, I'm being rehired at .79 for sure (we lost some sections) and that means I'll end up traveling again probably, if the option is there. I'm not sure what I'm doing with this yet, other than since I'll be moving back home, as long as this ensures I can leave early (since I won't be teaching) and still get full benefits, I can handle the decrese in pay. On the other hand since I'm taking more college grad credits, maybe I'll have enough to bump up a salary schedule by next year. Depends on what I have time to do. For nursing school, I have to jump through all these hoops before they'll let me register. They are requiring a lot more than Maryville did, ie a drug test, fun fun.

Anyway, that's it for now. This post was mostly random junk, but read if you will my random, unexciting ramblings for the day.

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