Thursday, March 30, 2006

Guess what? I don't have TB!

Ok, so the title's a little strange, but I couldn't think of anything good. Yesterday I had to go back to the Dr. because they forgot to give me the PPD check to make sure I don't have Tuberculosis, and of course I need this on file before they will let me register. Well it's close enough to tommorow that I can tell you I don't have TB. The dumb thing is I have to have another party do the reading to prove me right. My last Dr. just let me call them and tell the results. So at least my school nurse can do it so I don't have to go back for the negative reading (in other words, there is no bump or mark of any kind where I had the test done).

In other news, I just got my teaching contract today for next year. It's pretty crazy that they want our response in less than a month, especially when I'd be taking a 9k pay cut because of decreased enrollement. They aren't sure if a traveling position will be open or if we can officially fill the missing classes by doing Title 1 tutoring or some other duty. It's a tough call... I'd basically be going back to my 2nd year teacher salary. I'm barely making it on my current salary, let alone afford a cut. Happiness at a job means a lot, but I'm not sure if I can afford this cut, unless I officially move in with the parents.

A friend of mine officially broke up with her boyfriend to whom she was previously engaged. She is selling her condo with him, and was planning on purchasing a place. We would then plan to be roommates, and I could live cheaper than I am now, with someone I know to be a good and normal person, and still have the same 'luxeries' I do now (by luxury I mean doing my own laundry at home, having a place to park, my own room, a back yard, close to work, freedom to do just about whatever...etc.) She doesn't know what she is going to do because her contract went even smaller than mine. I know she will look for a new job if there are no opportunities to be full-time. I on the other hand I'm not sure what I'll do.

I want to stay because I like where I am. I'm not prepared to start another job in teaching again. I at least will not be going to another school district; I'll say that much. I'm leaning toward signing the contract and hoping for the best. I want to double check about my benefits still being in place. But I will most likely stay. I will have 80 minutes less teaching time every day, which means I could be coming in later or leaving earlier. I could use that time to study or make it a point to exercise, but I'd definitely have to live with my parents.

It's not so much my parents that are my concern. My concern is living across from my brother. My brother is in a world of his own suffering from constant diabetes problems, memory loss due to seizures, and mood swings. In the past, I would have had the entire upstairs to myself. Wheras now, my Grandma also lives there in my brother's old room. I really wish the basement were even partially finished. Enough for a big bedroom with a small study area, a living room area, and a full bathroom. If/When I move back I'll take the upstairs bedroom (my old one) and sweat to death in the summer b/c my brother won't keep the air on (supposedly he says he will keep it on for me, and if not then maybe he'll consider switching rooms which btw are both the same size only one has an extra closet (mine).) I'll then set up shop in my mom's study that she used for her Master's and have a little living room in the basement.

The other concern is the 45 minute (all traffic!) drive every day to work. If I so much as left 15 minutes later to go to HS. It took me an hour just to get to Webster Groves. I'm worried what it would be like to get to No. Co. every day from really far South, So. Co. What if I forget a book or a paper? I can't run down and grab it. (Maybe my Grams could help, but she has a life too.) It's all a matter of finances vs. mental health. Right now I lean toward mental health. I have a feeling that if I just trust God, my job will work itself out. I'm also going to look into being a PCT at the hospital, it won't pay as much probably, but I'd get tuition reimbursement.

Just craziness. Uncertainty is good sometimes, but when it comes to money and jobs and life decisions it's really stressing.

PS .... I would post my house listing to advertise but I don't want random people knowing where I live. So far just as of yesterday 38 people looked at my house online. Keep praying, I need it!

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