Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I can't believe how much I got done in one day. It made me feel like all my worries were for naught. Monday I finished my FAFSA, met with the Financial Aid person, had extra time to get the drug test done, and then to go home eat, and go to CPR. Originally they told me I missed the boat for CPR, but then someone cancelled and she called me just in time for me to get there.

I passed. I didn't like my teacher (neither did my partner), and wished I was in the lady instructor's group because that's who I had last time two years ago. This guy acted like if you asked a question because you were confused with the video something was wrong with you. Seriously, don't be a teacher if you are going to make someone feel dumb for asking questions and then say "feel free to ask me anything, that's why I'm here." For example: Me: "So are we supposed to give one minute of CPR first to both adults and children and then get help if no one is there, or should we get help first?" Him: "Well what did the video say?" Me: "It wasn't particularily clear what one should do if someone wasn't there (for adults) for you to ask them to call 911, whereas the child's was, which is why I ask." Him: "Well what was the chain of survival for the adult?" Me: "Early Access." Him: "What about the child then?" Me: "Early CPR" Him: "Well there's your answer then." He basically picked on anyone who made one mistake and made a big deal about it. I'm sorry I've only taken CPR twice (this being the 2nd time), if I or the other students forget something, don't treat us like dummies, help us fix the situation instead of belittling us. He was very humilating for all of the girls in our group. He left the guys alone because there was a fire-fighter and a army person. How Rude! We came here to learn, not to be treated like crap, with a smile. Glad that's done. Next time I take it, I'm making sure I'm in the group with the woman instructor.

Sorry. I guess being a teacher it irks me when other teachers do their job poorly. I understand having a bad day, because certainly I have those too. At least I try to be patient, instead of rolling my eyes at another student while the one having trouble is confused. There was another girl who was obviously "English as a Second Language." She had never taken CPR before and needed extra help. He treated her very poorly (using raised voice sometimes, rolling eyes toward me etc.), she's translating everything you say, at least give her time to figure it out and walk her through it, everyone learns differently. I should have written this on the comment form, but instead I just gave lower scores for the instruction because I didn't want to be 'picked out from the crowd'.

Anyway, I'm going to be being my packing adventures today. Anyone else think the snow is crazy? First day of Spring and it snows. All those poor daffodil flowers will die now, bummer. Not sure why, but once the snow started my sinuses went hay wire. I even lost my voice for a few hours last night. Strange. I haven't reacted to weather changes like that in a LONG time.

I know I don't sound poetic or exciting or even really informative lately, but that's just how it goes. By the way, the movie called "Winter Solstice" is not worth your time. I rarely fall asleep during a movie, but this one almost had no plot.

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