Friday, March 10, 2006

3 more days!

3 More days until I'm done with Phase 1 of the SB diet. I can't wait to have some carbs back in my life baby. All these leafy greens are great, but my digestive system is mad at me this time (maybe because I was sick last Friday who knows). I'm having dreams of chocolate covered strawberries (sugar-free chocolate of course) and whole grain pita with my hummus and tomatoes again..... yum!

On another note, I got home today and the neigbhor is selling their house too. I hope that doesn't look bad for me, however, my house is better kempt and has a bit more to offer :) (ie finished basement, wood burning stove, 3 bedrooms, a covered deck, nice landscaping, hard wood floors underneath the carpet, lots of exterior updates, I could go on etc.)

Four more school days until our concert. 7 days until 'the big solo' as "Chastity." One more week until Spring Break!!!! Two more weeks until my house is on the market!

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