Thursday, March 23, 2006

Goodbye house!

Well, it's official. My house will be on the market starting tommorow. Many repairs and super cleaning jobs were completed. I moved boxes around and tidied the storage area. Melia and I discussed pricing and we hope to sell fast and close around June.

All my hoops are mostly complete for school. I completed the Financial Aid visit Monday. I passed my recert for Healthcare Provider CPR. I went and got my drug screening. I went to the Dr. today for my required physical, I even had my cholesteral checked. All I have to do is make copies of the my card when I get it, and send these things in. Yeah!

Everything would be great, other than my roommate not bothering to read my post-it notes reminding her of what is up. I even sent her an email and gave her a free card to go get a relaxing massage. I just don't understand why someone would be wierd about me cleaning the house for them. I should start a whole new blog just for this segment of my life alone entitled, Wierd Roomate Stories.

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