Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back to School!

Today I just found out I was accepted into the nursing program of my choice. YEAH! I will be working full time and going back to school, but it will be worth it. I've been wanting to complete the RN I started a few years back, and this is my second try at doing it. In other words, I was originally going to Maryville but I simply couldn't afford their private school price, so I had to drop out. I will be going to school for less time and earning an ASN, but afterwards I understand that some hospitals help cover your tuition if you want to earn a higher degree of which I will probably do so later.

In the meantime wish me luck! I have to go through a bunch of hoops to get everything going, and I'm also planning on selling the house! Mucho prayer is needed if you are of the praying sort.

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