Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Really, Why is it that when it rains it pours?

Can anyone tell me why "when it rains it pours?" I really would like to know the answer to this question. I just don't feel like anything I'm doing is right. The kids are going crazy. My boyfriend and I are in the 'whoops, we do actually have differences phase,' and my bills are just going crazy (ie my house is worth more so now I get to pay more taxes.) Will I ever get back into school, will I end up relocating, will Eric and I find a happy medium, will I ever get even remotely settled financially without any (even the slightest bit of) help from parents etc?

It's not that I have to have major security, but a little would be nice. Apparently I'm due for a 'life change' once again. I'm probably moving, maybe going back to school, maybe I'll be stuck back at my parents; I have NO idea where I'm going. I guess I just have keep on doing my best (whatever that is) and rely on God to take me where I'm supposed to go. Madness, I tell you, just madness.


rebecca keen said...

I feel the same way.....

Muse said...

Thanks for your post. I was just having one of those days. While I'd say not a whole lot has resolved since then; when grades are due it's just a stressful time of the year for everyone. It seems to be a strange year so far for a lot of people I know.

My new comfort food discovery today was Tiramisu Gelato at Trader Joe's. Just Divine, as if God knew I needed it and decided to tell me nudge me over to the ice cream section in the middle of winter :)

rebecca keen said...

The new trader joe's opens today... I am hurrying up to get over their before the lines get long..

jamin said...

The TJ's on Olive opened? That's right by where I work. I should stop in and check it out sometime.

Muse said...

I know I wanted to shop there yesterday after being waxed, but they opened today!