Friday, February 10, 2006

Four Things

Ok, since everyone in the universe is doing this, I don't want to be the only one left out.

Four Random Jobs I've Had:

1. McDonald's Crew Trainer
2. Certified Nurse's Aide
3. Candy Vendor (only lasted one day, it was awful)
4. Librarian Assistant

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

1. Ever After
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. Down With Love
4. Love Actually

Four Places I've Lived:

1. Chicago, IL (don't remember it)
2. Every county in St. Louis but the City (So Co, West Co, No. Co)
3. Kirksville, MO (college)
4. Highridge, MO (as a kid)

Four TV Shoes I Love:

1. Family Guy
2. Sex and the City
3. Days of Our Lives
4. Charmed

Four Places I've Vacationed:

1. San Antonio, TX
2. Europe (Munich, Salzburg, Budapest)
3. Nashville, TN
4. Bahamas (Forgot which island)

Four of My Favorite Dishes:

1. Salad as mentioned earlier
2. Hummus with Pita as mentioned earlier
3. Duck Wraps as made by Eric
4. Curry Dish that I make

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

1. Anywhere Warm
2. Anywhere in Europe
3. Getting the super deluxe Spa Treatment on a Remote Tropical Island
4. An Irish Pub in Ireland

I'm too lazy to link to any blogs I tag, how about everyone on the links list.

On another note:

My latest (can't live without trying at least once) discovery at Trader Joe's:

Imported Tiramisu Gelato

Absof-inglutely delicious!!!!!!!!

Don't want to pay to eat out, but want the taste? Other things to try there that I recommend:

Portobello Mushroom Ravioli (with Italian Sausage Sauce), Shepherd's Pie, Frugal Ordinary Joe Beer, Chimchanga, Eggplant Cutlets, Mushroom Soup (frozen), Thai Pad (frozen bowl), Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, Hot Fresh Salsa, Living Lettuce (and Chicken that goes with it) Wrap, Papaya Mango Juice....

Add your recommendations to my comment list so I can try some things I haven't discovered yet.


jamin said...

Maple and brown sugar shredded wheat cereal. Delicious. Also I like their frozen rice bowls that you can zap in the microwave for a tasty, quick lunch.

Muse said...

I almost bought that cereal last week, but I don't eat enough cereal so I bought other things. I LOVE the frozen rice bowls. YUM!