Monday, February 20, 2006

"What to do?" and other things

What to do?

As I'm approching March I'm trying to get my life's decisions in order. First I need to find out what is going on with my application to Nursing School. Second, I need to put the house on the market. Third, I need to decide if I want to attempt living with the parental units or try to find a cheap place on my own. On the fourth, topic I can do nothing but wait and see (I'll tell you more later.)

So tommorow I HOPE to call the college and figure out the status of my application (I know they have everything, I just need to know when I'll find out the big question.) Then I need to get in touch with my Realtor and get my house market ready in the next couple weeks. The third factor depends on several things: Am I going back to school? What will happen with the forth topic? Am I willing to give up some freedoms to save a lot of money so I can get back on track a lot faster?

My leanings (ambitions) include: Yes, I'll be going back to school; Yes, I will sell the house. Yes, I will attempt to live with the parents for at least for a semester; Yes, my current situation in the fourth topic will change in some direction.

Random Facts I learned today:

You know that 5 second rule when you drop food? You should scratch it, especially if the item is wet/sticky. Studies show you can pick up MAJOR bacteria.

The sidewalk is cleaner (bacteria-wise) than your kitchen floor at home.

The average family brings about 3 lbs of dirt in their home each year.

A dog's mouth is NOT cleaner than a humans', however, both a human and dog mouth have a slight antiseptic property (slight being key.)

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