Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Apparently God decided I needed to rest.

It's amazing what can happen in a few days! I went to the Dr. yesterday, and he is requiring vocal rest until I see him again. I was very upset by the news, because if I don't rest, then I could have more damage, but that also means I can't work. My work is my voice. The problem that he is implying I might have, hasn't been an issue for years and years. I have been careful with my vocal use so I find it hard to imagine it's anything other that this sinus problem. My stupid sinuses haven't bothered me since college, and it's like I'm back there again. I have a mondo sinus infection that apparently is affecting my voice to the point of swelling and irritation. If I don't rest I could cause more damage, and he also thinks there could be other pathology hiding behind the swelling. I really hope he's wrong! I was fine until I had the infection, and I seemed to be getting better with medicine. BTW Augmentin works, but it has horrible side effects. Avoid it if you can!

On another note, I found out today that my group won the technology integrator project at my school. I can't believe it! All that hard work really paid off! I win an iPod for winning and a Smart board for completing the project. I'm soooo excited. I wish I could have been at work to be surprised by the head technology people.

Anyway, pray that my voice is fine after this rest. Not talking for me, is like being in prison, so some people would be enjoying the time away. Me I'm just trying to find things to do that don't involve talking. UGH.

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