Thursday, March 31, 2005

Turbo Tax, My new Tax Accountant

In previous tax years, I have paid H&R Block to complete my taxes in person. Last year I tried their online tax return program (which I wasn't too thrilled with). This year, since I had so many forms I knew I'd be charged and arm and a leg to have my taxes done. I went to Office Depot and purchased Turbo Tax Premier (since my taxes are complex), It's Deductible, and Turbo Tax State. It was expensive upfront, but I have about $80 in rebates coming back to me someday (which I entered online in order to track them.)

I learned a lot about what I should be keeping better track of on my tax return for deductions. Many times I didn't really pay attention to what I donated to church or to non-profit organizations (clothes etc). Did you know you can even count costs for job searching even if you already still have a job? (I didn't use that, but apparently on Turbo Tax it's a new law.) It also taught me about IRA's and RothIRA's which I will definitely consider once I get my debt reduced. Anyway, Turbo Tax was really simple to follow. It even covered my small business, my student loans, home mortgage, and tuition/book fees from classes I took last year. I was very impressed.

Last week I e-filed my return, and I've already received my State Refund! I can't wait to get my Federal back! I'm so excited! My State refund came back just in time too, since I was really low from paying for my car. Thank you God, for keeping me going. I might be barely hanging on some days, but you never cease to surprise me with your assistance and blessings. I can't believe I might actually be totally out of credit card debt much sooner than I ever thought possible.

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