Monday, March 07, 2005

Dr. Update

Today I went to see my ENT, my voice hero. He told me to come back in a month after my last visit, and since I've been sick as usual, I just wanted to be safe. Amazingly this go round I didn't even need the throat numbing spray for him to view my voice. I was nervous because he had me do the stroboscope on video. I did a few warm-ups, sang Happy Birthday, and then he recorded my voice on tape. I was very much elated to discover that my voice is totally fine. Post nasal drip was pretty heavy, and I apparently had burst blood vessel (in a non-contact area) that was on it's way to healing. Other than that I'm a o.k. What a relief!

Singing at school was awesome today. I taught 8 classes straight (so I could leave early), minus lunch and my voice was doing what it was supposed to. It was a great feeling. I even did well in choir for 3 hours. We have a concert coming up this Saturday and Sunday if anyone is interested to see St. Stanisklaus church, and hear some cool music. Thank you for praying for me, and keep praying that I stay healthy. I'm on another round of a z-pack among other things, so hopefully I'll be able to go strong until Spring Break. Two more weeks! Whoo hoo!

On another note, a bunch of us are getting together to see The Urge live at Mizzou April 30th. This is an awesome group that disbanded, but they are getting back together for this one FREE concert. Let me know if you are interested :) Have a good night :)

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