Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Weekend

This weekend definitely made up for my not-so-fun Spring Break. Friday I watched movies, Bridget Jones the 2nd among them. It made me feel like maybe there is hope for relationships after all. I guess I was just in a funk of "want to be by myself" mode. After the car fiasco, I just needed time to recap and reflect on the happenings of life. I feel as if to some extent, my grandfather's death affected me more after the funeral than it did the week of. Perhaps this was due to the fact that I didn't even have time for me that week. It was just crazy.

Saturday I helped Jamin move, and it was good to see the gang. I enjoy helping people out, and when you are with friends it is even better. Later we had an impromptu game-night party at Lori's. She is such the good hostess. Her sushi was great, and she had all the fixings for the famous "Scooby Snack" that a certain someone would always make fun of me for ordering when we were out.

Sunday I went to church, and heard a very uplifting sermon. The music was awesome too. I love being able to sing out and not be intimidated by doing so because the music is of a good volume and everyone else is singing too. I wanted to see my family, and since we usually don't arrange an "Easter gathering," I invited them over to dinner. It was really nice. At first my mom was cautious about my culinary skills, but they really liked my dinner :) I had the fire going, and we watched some movies, very cozy. Later Allison came over and we played "Scene It" which is a fun movie trivia game.

All in all it was a very good weekend, and it made me really grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life.

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