Thursday, March 03, 2005

Markers of Excellence

(L2R) Me, Kate, Jamie, Mary Ellen 1995?

Tonight I meandered my way through various web sites. Eventually I ended up at at Nerinx Hall's site. A friend once made fun of me for attempting to explain that in St. Louis, for some reason, when we ask what school you went to, we are referring to high school. I think we ask because in my view, St. Louis is 'the biggest small town.' Every now and again, I run into someone who knew someone from my high school who knew someone who went to TSU with me or something. Even at TSU, it was like being in mini-St. Louis because so many of my friends were from or near this area.

I found myself going down memory lane. Looking through all the activities currently happening. It is a good feeling knowing that my hs alma mater is still totally 'happening' in the fine arts department. I didn't realize that 40% of the now 600+ students were involved in the drama/theater/music department. I practically lived in that area, so much so they created a new award for me when I graduated. Anyway, just for fun I'm including a couple pics I happened to scan 'back in the day'. Note that these whole two pics are not a complete representation of my friends and experiences, because NHS was SO much more than that! (P.S. You can find other pics under this post and this post.)

"To Nerinx Hall goes the song that we sing..... the green and white forever will be a pledge of hope and purity..... proudly we ever thank thee fair Nerinx Hall."

I'm surprised I remember even that much! LOL Anyone out there remember it? I can't find it online :(

Sarah and I 1994
("The Black Dress")

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