Sunday, March 06, 2005

Weekend of Music

This weekend was very low key for me, but cool. Friday I visisted my grandpa, and then visited home and watched Chronicles of Riddick with them. It was good to see my grandma and family. I rarely go down south just because they are 'so far away.' It's weird that I was one 1 person living there during hs, now I have two friends that chose to make that area their home, while I went the opposite direction.

Saturday Kate and I went to see Phantom of the Opera before it left theaters. It was really good, I was impressed. It's sad that I haven't ever seen the musical live, being that I am a teacher of music. It was very sad to watch. In the back of my head I thought, man this girl has 2 guys chasing after her (well one of them was kinda psycho), and I can't even get one. AHAHA JK I then went back to Kate's and we watched Ray. I was definitely impressed with the acting, the movie was very well done.

Today I went to church, took a nap, and enjoyed the absolutely beautiful 70 degree weather. Is it Spring yet? Of all the seasons, I dislike Winter the most (I love the snow, but where has real snow been this year?). It's too long for me. My favorite is Fall, but I love Spring because it feels like 'new beginnings,' and I love Summer because I get a break from the students and a chance to recoup and hang out with friends. Kate and Dennis have me considering the Blockbuster rental thing, it's pretty cheap, and you can have unlimited rentals. I also might be getting satellite tv back, yeah!

Speaking of music, St. Louis Women's Chorale's concert is this weekend. Email me if you want tickets. Also is anyone a fan of The Urge? Anyone want to go see them in concert FOR FREE with me?

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