Sunday, April 03, 2005


For whatever strange reason I have been comtemplating my life, as in where I was around this time last year and where I am now. It's amazing to me to recognize the differences or developments that I have in my life for the better.


Over the past few years, I have gone from having almost a non-existent relationship with God, to becoming a member of a church. I joined Bible Study, have read some very enlightening books on God, and I typically go to church every Sunday. I'm not saying that all of a sudden I'm the best child of God, I'm just saying that I have come a long way since I used to live in my tiny Chesterfield apartment. All of this growth has been a long time coming, and has been pretty slow for me. This year has probably been the most eventful of my walk with God. Slowly but surely I feel like I'm getting 'my act in gear' to some extent.


I have come to realize recently that my family means a great deal to me. Even though I didn't like being stuck at home for three days during Spring Break, it was cool to hang out with my family. I enjoyed the hustle and bustle that happens there. While it may seem we are all crazy people, if you look hard enough the family love is definitely there.


Wow, I have opened myself up to a whole new world of people these last couple years. I remember when I moved back to St. Louis from college, and my friends were my boyfriend, and the few high school friends still living here. Now I see my college friends all the time, and I have met tons of new people. I've renewed friendships with old friends, and opened the door to meeting new ones. I used to just hang out with one group of people almost all the time, now I hang out with all sorts of people whenever the occaision arises. It's been great fun, and I'm glad that I stepped out of my usual comfort zone to meet and get to know such wonderful people.

Love Life:

Well, I can't really say that I've progressed in any obvious way for this category (and it would take forever to describe the not-so-obvious changes). I am still single, I have little prospects on the horizon, and I'm one of 3 hs/college friends still yet to 'bite the bullet'. Sometimes it makes me sad, not having someone, but at the same time I have my friends, my family, and God. I try not to think about the fact that I would like to someday be married and have children. It's a matter of finding the right person, and being in the right place at the right time in my life to be ready for it I guess. This is not to say that I haven't dated, or haven't been attempting to progress, it's just that when you're older I guess it's harder to really meet people in a meaningful setting. I find myself being more selective because I know what I want in life. I almost see 'dating for fun' as pointless, not that it's not nice, but if after the first few dates if I don't see 'it happening' (whatever that means) I don't bother to continue to waste my time. Maybe I'm losing out that way, but I guess I'm just getting really tired of the dating game. I feel that if it's meant to happen it will, and I will continue living my life to the fullest extent that I am able or in the mood for.


2 years ago, I was the exercise queen. I excercised all the time, every day almost. I was training for a marathon recently, but then managed to either train too fast or because of a clumsy incident sprained a tendon in my calf. I was almost half way there at 7 miles. Since my accident, I stopped lifting weights because my back was injured, and since the other incident I can't run either. It really bites. I want to get back into exercising but I'm scared to do it to soon, because I still notice a little something in my leg here and there. The only thing I can do is ride a recumbant bike, but I never really got into those things. We'll see.


At one point I was working in a not-so-ideal school district (in my opinion), and now I'm working in the best school district ever. I love my new job, and wouldn't change it unless they made me. :) This year has been a breath of fresh air through and through, and I am definitely thankful to have been given the opportunity. I love the teachers that I work with, and my principal is awesome! Hence, my nursing school plans are on hold, and we will see where the wind blows. I have learned much teaching at this school, and it has all been fabulous!

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