Thursday, April 28, 2005

Alcoholism Resources

A recent talk with an old friend of mine has me thinking about Alcoholism lately. Apparently I am witnessing the effects of alcoholism first hand. Here is some information for some of you maybe going through the same thing.


Alcoholism is a disease which there is impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with alcohol, continued use of alcohol in the face of adverse consequences and distorted thinking. Generally speaking, alcoholism is repeated drinking that causes trouble in the drinker's personal, professional, family or school life. When alcoholics drink, they can't always predict when they'll stop, how much they'll drink or what the consequences of their drinking will be. Denial of the negative effects of alcohol in their lives is common among alcoholics and those close to them.There is no known cure for alcoholism. The disease can be arrested through complete abstinence from alcohol and other addictive drugs. Once abstinent, most alcoholics recover from the damage caused by their drinking. More than 1.5 million Americans are currently in recovery from their own alcoholism.


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