Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I have nothing life-changing or super duper important to say today, but I needed to ramble so here goes. Last night I went to bed exhausted, woke up exhausted, and will probably have a great sleep tonight. My last evening concert is over for the year, and I thank God it was successful. The 2/3 graders, especially the 2nd grade surprised me tonight with their performance. Sure not everything was on cue, but it was smooth and we had fun. That's what it's about! I even had a compliment from an ex-music teacher on teaching the students to sing unison. Well I still hear room for improvement, but yeah, they were great! Thank you!

Anyhoo, now that that is done, I have time to reflect and absorb the recent events. I'm still really conflicted. I'm hurt, but happy at the same time. I feel like I've lost someone very close to me, but at the same time am happy and praying that God will continue to guide him in the right direction.

On another note, kids say the darndest things. Last week, I wore full make-up at school (which is rare, I usually do minimum to look decent) and one of my students (K) says "Ms. B what's wrong with your eyes?" I was wearing a light blue to match my shirt; I felt like being "Springy." Another student responds, "Duh, she's wearing make-up." I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or what, especially since the color was really light.

Today the younger students saw me all dressed up and one said "Wow, you don't even seem like our teacher, but I can tell it's you by your face." I ask, "What do you mean?" She says, "Well you're all dressed up and wearing a suit." I also get a LOT of compliments from the kids when I have my hair down, make-up on. Seriously I'd love to do that everyday, but sometimes it's way more work than I can handle. As for dressing up, I wear appropriate work clothes, but I make it a point to look nice at concerts. It's not every day that I wear sequin embroidered shirt underneath a suit. It would be impossible. For one, the clothes I just bought (before I left Gap in the Fall) are already starting to fall apart from so much use. Somehow dancing around, or moving risers, or getting hugs from students who leave an imprint of dirt on your clothes when they are done is killer. My shoes are about dead too, and I just bought them. Gotta love the kids! :) I love my new job, I hope our enrollments go up by next school year (06-07), or I might be facing a part-time or job change situation. YIKES!

Anyway, people it's late. Good night.

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