Thursday, February 24, 2005

Social Night

Last night I went to Small Group, and was very thankful that they thought of doing a Social Night. I finally finished the DLT book, but as I was reading it some things slightly bugged me. In a 'good' way I have many friends who come from all walks of life and belief systems. However, I feel slightly disadvantaged being that most of my close Christian friends from TSU are out doing their thing in another state somewhere. One thing I really liked about the Bible Study at Truman was that we already had our common interest in music and our respective fraternities. We already shared 301 classes together everyday for hours, so opening up was for me second nature. I miss having that close knit feeling with a particular group of people who have God and music in common.

Social night, I found myself barraging one of the girls with running questions. Someone in small group, whose name I apparently forgot, was training for the Spirit of St. Louis marathon and was going to set up training times. Apparently I missed the boat or it never came to fruition, so I've been frantic about finding someone I know to run with and/or really get the scoop on what they do. I really just don't want to run alone my first time. A certain friend of mine has be MORE than helpful and I'm very grateful, however, she is super busy and I feel like I'm intruding to ask to train with her. The Running Center, while cool, was 'scary' for me being the only girl with three experienced older runner men workers. So I got my shoes, thanked them, and left.

Anyway, point is I am really trying to reach out and make new friends at Church. I just find it really difficult because it seems like 99% of the people are married, for some reason I freak out when I have to say hello to the boy next to me, and girls are just slower at getting to know I guess. I'm so glad when I ran into Lauren, Alli's sister, because I felt like I already knew her. I really feel like I'm missing having a close, Christian (girl) friend who I can talk to about everything and anything. I'm sure God will help me, but part of me feels like I'm 'totally out of the loop' in the world. Oh well. I'll just keep going to church and being friendly and eventually I'm sure I connect with someone beyond a church Sunday or Bible Study.

Prayer requests:
My grandpa is in the hospital and they are doing more tests. He has been in and out of the hospital since his heart surgury, so I'm super worried!
My grandma is still recovering from knee surgery.
My kitty just had her spay (Thank you God for awarding me with the FREE spay through the SNIP-IT celebration that just happened to be this week) done so she is 'out of it.
For friends of mine who are super stressed with wedding plans, new beginnings in life, new careers, and their struggles with other issues unknown or known to me.
For my parents and family who are stressed with my grandpa and grandma's concerns.
For Jim and Brandy, who just lost their child an hour after birth, may God comfort them and be with them in their time of need.
For my continued health: (I sprained my ankle on an escalator, and I'm very stressed in general.)

Thanks for reading my ramblings today!

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